The dream of Church and Curry realized?

First, many thanks to LtU creator(s)/contributors, I have lurked profitably for a few years now. LtU readers are likely aware of Church's initial attempt to use the lambda calculus as a foundation for mathematics, and Curry's (and his students') subsequent attempts. But perhaps readers are unaware of this paper by Barendregt whose abstract contains the following:
These papers fulfil the program of Church and Curry to base logic on a consistent system of lambda-terms or combinators. Hitherto this program had failed because systems of ICL were either too weak (to provide a sound interpretation) or too strong (sometimes even inconsistent).
While the above announcement is unlikely to cause celebration in the streets, has it had any impact on the programming language or related math communities? I'm curious about the seeming lack of fanfare re the result (it was published in 98) and also about any existing or potential applications the result may have. I look forward to LtU experts to enlighten me (and likely many other interested LtU readers).

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PostScript Error?

I could not read this file, what PS reader are you using?

The title of the paper is "Completeness of two systems of illative combinatory logic for first-order propositional and predicate calculus", and can be found with many other papers of Barendregt on his list of publications. Some of which I cannot read either.. :(

EDIT: CiteSeer has it here.

Re: PostScript Error?

Hi Bryan

You're right about the paper title. It opens fine using gv on Debian Linux, But thanks to the editor for adding the citseer link pointing to a PDF version. Also, my original post does not mention the co-authors: W. Dekkers and M. Bunder.

Second in a series

This paper is a followup to Systems of illative combinatory logic complete for first-order propositional and predicate calculus, and uses lots of notation and lemmas from the first paper.