Three years after the initial announcement here at LtU of the YARD parsing framework, I've finally posted version 1.0 of YARD. I figure despite being self-promotional (I figure it is a forum quality, if not quite meritorious of front-page status), this post should still be relevant to LtU readers because of its overlap with other LtU topics:
Of course many readers of LtU are language implementers and may find a new parsing framework useful or inspirational.
Below is the official announcement of YARD:
Version 1.0 of the YARD parsing framework for C++ is now available for download at The YARD project now also has a new tutorial, written with the help of Max Lybbert, that provides an introduction to language parsing and parsing expression grammars
The YARD framework uses a novel template meta-programming technique to construct efficient recursive-descent parsers at compile-time. YARD parsers are constructed as parsing expression grammars expressed using templates in a form resembling EBNF. Parsers constructed using YARD combine lexing and parsing phases, and can automatically generate abstract syntax trees, without requiring a separate code-generation phase.
The YARD framework has been under development for three years and has spawned other related projects (e.g. the Biscuit parsing library, ). YARD has been used in commercial tools (e.g. and various open-source projects (e.g.
The YARD library is public domain ( ) but for those who require a release with a specific open-source license, can request one on the discussion group ( ).
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