Commercial Users of Functional Programming 2007

The program for CUFP 2007 is now available. The goal of CUFP is to build a community for users of functional programming languages and technology, be they using functional languages in their professional lives, in an open source project (other than implementation of functional languages), as a hobby, or any combination thereof.

This year's offering includes presentations about projects that use Caml, Erlang, Haskell, Scheme, F# and more. Domain specific embedded languages are also mentioned in the abstracts. Some of the presentations deal with projects mentioned here before, such as the Intel IXP network processor but others are new to me and sound quite intriguing.

Some of the people involved with the CUFP workshop are LtU regulars and contributors who may want to add more details and respond to questions or comments.

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Erlang & Synapse

It's really great that Sean Hinde will present the wonderful Synapse telecom system that we've worked on like maniacs for years!

I can hardly express my joy

I can hardly express my joy now that I see that my own bank uses Haskell! :-)

Impeding FP

What's impeding FP's adoption in the Real World?
Easy: Greek.

Functional programming has been hijacked by the academics (whose main goal seems to be to sound clever). They emphasise Greek over getting a web-based Hello World done.

I hope this changes. Or I will change it by force after the Revolution. :o)

Re: Impeding FP

Functional programming has been hijacked by the academics

Hijacked? More like it has been kept alive and nurtured by academics. It's taken many years of research and hard work to bring it into a state where it even makes sense to talk about using it in a commercial environment.

They emphasise Greek over getting a web-based Hello World done.

There's a Real World Haskell book in the works. People like Simon Peyton Jones have been pushing hard on the practical aspects as well. In his recent talk he went over a window manager example. And just look at the topic you posted to: "Commercial Users of Functional Programming 2007". I think the days of fibonacci functions are in the past.

Some Notes and Thoughts

There is a good chance the sessions will be videoed for your future enjoyment.

I'm surprised so many people are basically presenting their FP case study. I wonder how many applied to the ICFP experience report track? If you have any interest in academia, or indeed furthering FP adoption an ICFP experience report seems a better route. You get a publication at a good conference, and you get something you can point to later (there are no proceedings for CUFP).

If FP has any value it must be due in part to the Greek (or, at least, the Latex symbol set) as this is one of FP's key distinguishing features. However I agree with revence27 that the presentation of is often poor. This is something I will talk about, though it isn't the main thrust of my talk.