Beyond Pretty-Printing: Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators

Beyond Pretty-Printing: Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators, Wolfram Kahl. 1999.

Galleys have been introduced by Jeff Kingston as one of the key concepts underlying his advanced document formatting system Lout. Although Lout is built on a lazy functional programming language, galley concepts are implemented as part of that language and defined only informally. In this paper we present a first formalization of document formatting combinators using galley concepts in the purely functional programming language Haskell.

We've talked about functional layout algorithms for mathematics before, so it seems like a good idea to link to a paper about typesetting all the text those formulas are surrounded by.

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Constraint programming in Haskell?

Isn't layout problem a better task for constraint programming (paradigm) as opposed to functional one?

I may be wrong, but the author seems to implement a constraint solver in Haskell - what are the merits of this approach (except demonstrating how well Haskell is suited as a host for DSELs) as opposed to just using Oz or Alice ML (or ILOG or AKL for that matter)?

Constraint-based graphics.

I've been meaning to play with Juno-2 for the longest time. I haven't yet got it working... sigh. I'll give it another try one of these days.

Admittedly, Juno-2 is more about graphics than it is about text layout. I can attest to the pleasure of working with a good constraint-based graphics program, though, in my case Autodesk Inventor.

About functional layout for mathematics


I've not been able to find such information that interests me soo much. Can you provide those links here in LtU or elsewhere?

Thank you very much.

Here's one link and some

Real men use greek

[I]t seems like a good idea to link to a paper about typesetting all the text those formulas are surrounded by.

Text? You must be reading the wrong papers.
