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Technometria: Google Web ToolkitPhil Windley Technometria podcast is dedicated to the Google Web Toolkit. The guest on the show is Bruce Johnson a Tech Lead of GWT. The show is very good, and more technical than usual. Many themes that are near and dear to LtU are discussed. Here are some pointers: Bruce talks at length about the advantages of compiling from Java to JS, many of which arise from Java's static typing. He mainly talks about optimizations, but also about how static typing helps with tools in general (IDEs etc.). This was a subject of long and stormy debates here in the past. The advantages, from a software engineering standpoint, of building in Java vs. JS are discussed. This is directly related to the ongoing discusison here on the new programming-in-the-large features added to JS2. I wonder if someone will write a compiler from Java/GWT to JS2 at some point, which will enable projects to move to JS2 and jump ship on Java all together. Bruce mentions that since JS isn't class-based, and thus doesn't directly support the OO style many people are used to, there are many ways of translating common OO idioms into JS. This is, of course, the same type of dilemma the Scheme community has about many high level features. Cast as a question on OOP support the questions becomes is it better to provide language constructs that allow various libraries to add OO support in different ways, or to provide language support for a specific style. The same can be asked about a variety of features and programming styles, of course. Finally, Bruce mentions that as far as he knows no one thought about something like GWT before they did. Well, I for one, and I don't think I was the only one, talked many times (probably on LtU) about Javascript as a VM/assembly language of the browser, clearly thinking about JS as a target language. I admint I wasn't thinking aobut compiling Java... But then, I am not into writing Java, so why would I think about Java as the source language... By Ehud Lamm at 2007-10-29 04:53 | Cross language runtimes | DSL | Implementation | Javascript | other blogs | 13215 reads
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