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What have I created?I am creating an interpreted game scripting language. Not having the theoretical background to help me develop and then implement a syntax, after a few attempts in that direction I decided to start from a register machine model, thinking that I would end up with something like a high-level assembler. Then, because my implementation language is haXe, which allows for dynamic types, I made a major change to the model: There is no longer a separate space between program data and registers. Instead, thinking of how I can provide an infinite number of registers in my machine, I merged the ideas into one data structure. The first term that came to mind to describe this was "codeblock." The codeblock contains both an integer opcode and data; the data is dynamic and can contain any haXe type. Passing data from one block to another is done at the source level, by making the relevant code all point to a third-party codeblock which has been agreed upon as a storage device. No specific ordering of codeblocks is dictated, but for practical convenience a "next" reference to a subsequent code block is also included for linear execution. What I realized, as I built this system, was that the source code format was going to end up being tied to a customized editor which can deal with the data structures directly. At first I thought I would simply be mapping some of the higher level data structures in haXe to opcodes, and allowing the user to mark "variables" that get turned into codeblocks in a compilation step, but I gradually realized that with the editor's ability to browse, inspect, and link up references between codeblocks, there's a lot of potential power. I added a stack for subroutine calls. Then, thinking a little more, I added a separate stack and a new referencing field in the codeblock for macros; as I envision it now, before executing the opcode of a codeblock, the interpreter looks to see if a macro codeblock is available. If it is, it jumps to that code and runs it first. The block that returns from a macro copies the contents of its data, which is itself another codeblock, to the caller. I don't have a lot of experience with constructs like this, though, so this may turn out to be wrongheaded. This is all in very early stages. I've been sticking to writing stuff I can implement; my reference implementation to execute the above described is currently very small(under 200 lines) and surprisingly straightforward. I need to test it, work out the bugs, and start writing an editor. For the practical purposes I set out to achieve, I think I have something workable. But my question is whether anyone knows of similar concepts to mine. It seems like any dynamic language could easily implement the same behavior, yet I know of nothing quite like this. By James W Hofmann at 2007-11-26 22:53 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 5858 reads
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