"... because common people think like so-and-so..."

In debates over merits of programming paradigms, languages, and tools, often the way ordinary humans think is cited. For example, some opinions dismiss non-imperative programming "because people think in terms of states", or non-object-oriented programming "because people think in terms of manipulating objects".

I think this is all very well. Ordinary people also fear blood and gore. Can you imagine an "opinion leader" in medical science saying "never cut open the body of appendicitis patients because it would be tough to doctors"? Medical treatments are assessed based on benefit and harm to patients, not comfort of doctors. Medical students are required to learn to face blood and gore, or quit.

The "natural" or "common" argument is never brought up in professions such as medicine and surgery, law, accounting, and engineering whenever there are debates over methodologies and training. It is not ordinary people's nature to be rigorous, analytic, quantitative, formal, rational, calm, objective, impartial, ... The professions do not give in to human nature; quite on the contrary, apprentices are trained for years against human nature, and those who fail to change are weeded out.

There are professions and professional training because the way of common people is deficient.

If common people can think of nothing other than states and objects, perhaps programmers should grow out of it.

(Also posted as
and in comp.lang.functional under the same title.)

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I stubbed my little toe.

I agree 100%, and I take pains to avoid founding my arguments on this sort of reasoning.

I think there is a trend among scripting language advocates to popularize programming and make it fun, which is fine. Probably this is tied in with the open source movement, which tries to be all-inclusive and liberating, which is also fine.

What I think is not fine is when people use this ideology as an excuse for excluding everything but the least common denominator among, say, languages or programming techniques or whatever.

Not that what they are pushing is actually an LCD. Almost every scripting language is: untyped, imperative and object-oriented. Hardly an unbiased set of design choices.

Furthermore, almost every scripting language advocate is also an advocate of extreme programming or "agile" development or test-driven design, design patterns, etc.

I think one thing that is common about these things is that they are popular and accessible which, again, is fine in itself.

But another thing which is common about them is that they suggest that a programmer "doesn't need all that crap that gets taught in CS or math classes." And that, I think, is very wrong.

Lowering the bar for novices is OK; keeping it there isn't.

I once made an argument which I don't remember exactly but which involved context-free grammars. It was something like, "Well, every programmer understands CFG's, so surely they can understand X," and X was XML or something. And someone said, "What, are you crazy? Almost no programmers know what a CFG is. You can't assume that."

That is the sort of thing I'm talking about. It's absurd. Let's not call those people programmers. Let's call them hobbyists or duffers.

If you cannot read and write CFG's, if you don't know what a Turing machine is or what the Halting Problem is, if you don't know what a higher-order function is, if you can't explain the relationship between a specification, an implementation, and an interface, then you cannot communicate or talk intelligibly about even trivial topics in programming. And if everyone has to talk at that level, then there is more noise than signal, and very little throughput, and so nothing gets done, and we all suffer for it.

Misdirected Egalitarianism

It's arguably a noble thing to assume that no one is too stupid to teach a given trade, but it is simply foolish to assume that no one is too ignorant to practice that trade. Yet that is precisely what industry seems to desire: a magic wand that will enable poorly educated people to do meaningful work in what Dijkstra called the most difficult branch of applied mathematics. I can only say, "Good luck with that."


Isn't that what employers and managers would like most ? To have tools so that anyone can program, making programmers abundant and cheap ?

I'm not suggesting that actual employers and managers think like that, only that it would be an ideal situation for them. And there seems to be no shortage of tools to promise to make programming easy...

Languages should scale

I have come to the conclusion that languages should scale.

You can't exclude the basic user, the hobbyist, if you will. The guy who does HTML and on the side is learning a little bit of PHP so that he can do more. He's probably not interested in Haskell or Scheme.

Or the entrepreneur who has an idea for a product. He's got a marketing background, but he's got a good head on his shoulders and knows enough Python to get the job done. It's not beautiful code, but it works well enough to get things rolling. At that point, he hired me to clean things up - he knows he's not a gifted coder. (Yes, true story).

You have to aim for people like that, or at least provide something they can get started with, or else you consign yourself to yacking back and forth about whether common lisp or scheme is better and being largely ignored by "the average guy".

And be careful before you cop an attitude. Maybe the 'hobbyist programmer' is also a medical doctor who sees a way that software could automate what he's doing. Lots of commercially successful code is that way - written by someone who knows a problem domain inside out and has enough programming skills to accomplish what he has in mind.

On the other hand, my ideal language wouldn't be something that a professional would turn their nose up at, and would feel trapped with. It should be a sharp enough tool that the right person can still express themselves with it and not have problems.

Ideally it would also scale in the sense that quick programs are very quick, and complex programs are possible.

Bread and Circuses

Medical treatments are assessed based on benefit and harm to patients, not comfort of doctors

You've mustn't have spent much time in the health care system then. ;-)

The "natural" or "common" argument is never brought up in professions such as medicine and surgery, law, accounting, and engineering whenever there are debates over methodologies and training.

The other professions you mention are all legally regulated professions with a long history. Our profession has yet to establish minimum requirements, and we haven't even fought out what it means to practice our profession yet.

Are you arguing that there are never any valid usability issues in PLs? I would agree that we don't yet have good, agreed upon principles to use to discuss usability in PLs, but I'm still pretty sure that usability applies to them.

Rather a lot of actual programming

Rather a lot of actual programming is done by people who profess not to be able to think in certain ways. At least, rather a lot of the work done in jobs considered to be programming jobs is done by people with this attitude. People are not often especially highly motivated to grow out of something that is currently earning them a living (I think it's the exceptions to this rule that require explanation).

It's tempting to say something Leninist or Social Darwinist at this point about how the march of history will eventually bury them (Pascal Fabian has been amusing himself recently by arguing that because Americans are systematically badly educated America's global economic dominance will eventually be abolished by some less decadent culture overseas), but I'm not sure that PL theorists (and their groupies) really want to be positioning themselves as a sort of (r)evolutionary avant garde hastening the advent of the new era. The proles have a nasty habit of not listening; and it is the proles we're doing it for, right?

Might I suggest the salad, sir?

Just some choice quotes which I am reminded of:

  • If you treat individuals as they are they will remain as they are, but if you treat them as if they were what they ought to be and could be, they will become what they ought to be and could be. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars - mere globs of gas atoms. I, too, can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? — Richard P. Feynman
  • I have found that sometimes when I think I am treating people as sentient beings capable of rational thought they are not as happy as when I think I am treating them as dummies. — "Steven"

I hope the relevance is clear.

that is not the point...

the reason why taking into account human psychology is VERY important in language design is not because we want to cater to "ordinary people" or beginning programmers with bad habits/skills.

Given a substiantially large codebase no single programmer really "understands" the code anymore, in the sense of having a mental overview of all possible interactions and dependencies. This contrary to other fields, we basically assume right from the start that even an expert has a partial picture of what goes on at best. That says something of the complexity of programming in comparison with other endeavours.

So what a language that takes into account human weaknesses, tendencies, and mental models can do is push forward the boundaries of the overview the programmer is able to maintain over a complex codebase. This also holds for the expert programmer, infact, especially for the expert programmer. Less mental energy spent on things that go against the grain of how humans think, means more room for overview & deep understanding.

Exactly, The point of argu


The point of arguments that say that a particular programming model is "closer" to the way people think is as follows. If a programmer has a certain way of thinking about how you solve a problem, then a language that allows them to express their thoughts in a manner close to the way that they think about it in their head will allow them to devote more mental effort towards other aspects of the programming task. For example, ensuring that the algorithm is correct, thinking about how their code relates to the project as a whole, etc.

Now obviously there are other things that need to be considered in the choice of programming language, for example:

  • Can a programmer change the way they think about approaching a problem? In my own case, I started off with GWBASIC on an MS-DOS computer, something that left a lot to be desired compared to just about any language that gets discussed on this list. But when I learnt Modula-2 and C I was able to adapt my way of thinking to that required by a more block and function strucured imperative langauge. Later as I learnt various object oriented languages, lispy languages, functional languages, these all influenced the way that I thought about programming. If I was to go back and approach some of the programs I wrote 10 years ago, even using the same language as 10 years ago, I would approach them differently given my exposure to other programming styles.
  • Does the way of approaching a problem that is encouraged by a language make algorithms easier to write? The classic example for me is tree algorithms and recursion (very basic, I know). By using languages that encourage recursion, it changes your way of thinking and allows you to express algorithms that traverse trees in a much more natural way.

So I guess what it boils down to for me is that the closeness of a languages approach to computation to a programmers mental model is a consideration in language choice, but it is still only one consideration.


Given a substiantially large codebase no single programmer really "understands" the code anymore, in the sense of having a mental overview of all possible interactions and dependencies. This contrary to other fields, we basically assume right from the start that even an expert has a partial picture of what goes on at best.

Nonsense. There is no scientific field where any expert has comprehensive knowledge either of the field or of the specific instances of any application. No physician is privy to every medical result, much less all the particular (even medically relevant) circumstances of a patient. No engineer knows the entire body of physics, much less the exact composition of building materials, precisely what stresses a structure will encounter, or what economic fluctuations will do to the cost of a project. No mathematician can know every theorem, or even understand except perhaps in merest outline every sub-field which may impinge on his interests. On the contrary, if they did, it would spell the end of science.

What workers in all these fields do share is exceptional problem-solving, research and information-gathering skills. If they see a problem which is close to but not exactly the same as one they understand, they can develop variations on an existing solution. If they see a problem they don't understand at all, they know where to look in the literature and are ready to educate themselves better about it. If they don't have enough information about a problem, they do experiments and tests, or work through examples.

This is all the same as what is demanded of a programmer. A programmer needs to be able to solve new problems (develop new algorithms, ways of structuring a program modularly, etc.), to be cognizant of what problems can be and have been solved and how to find out about it (via trade magazines, or journals or technical articles or even the Internet Oracle), and to know how to make progress when he lacks sufficient information about a problem (gather requirements, assemble test and use cases, prove correctness, profile, debug, etc.).

You may object that, on top of all this, the programmer must familiarize himself with the domain-specific details of an application. That is true, but he need not become an expert in such a field, and it is also true in other fields. A doctor who treats athletes will need to familiarize himself with the particular injuries which are likely to occur in that sport. An engineer who builds a hospital will need to know something about what the requirements of a hospital are. A mathematician whose interest is Hamiltonian dynamics will familiarize himself with applications in mechanical physics and celestial mechanics.

Psychology has played no role in shaping the structure of any of these fields, and yet, not only are they are far better developed and understood than is the science of programming, they are also populated by professionals who, on the average, are better educated, more responsible, more resistant to fads and pseudoscience, and, frankly, more capable and valuable than Joe Q. Programmer.

One should hope that the difference between today's programmer and tomorrow's programming professional will be the same as the difference between an electrician and an electrical engineer. Right now all we have, for the most part, is electricians.

(Where does psychology play an important role? Marketing and consumer development. If you want to sell a drug, say Viagra, ask sex or social psychologist. Want to sell a market a new handicam model? Consult a usability expert.

But in a technical field, where the practitioners are highly-trained experts, there is far too much important esoterica for a psychologist to have an impact. You would not ask a psychologist to refactor or reorganize theorems or results. An enginer might ask one to give ergonomic requirements for a house he intends to build, but not to find a better way to solve differential equations, or even to devise a better notation for integrals. Similarly, you might ask a psychologist for advice on a user interface, but not on a programming language's semantics or even syntax.)

(Having said that, here is an interesting application of psychology in, well, something like science. (And note that, in this instance, the psychologist also played the role of a scientist who had to familiarize himself with domain-specific details.))

Party on, Frank

Psychology has played no role in shaping the structure of any of these fields

If you insist on a narrow reading of "psychology" (i.e. the particular field so-named), I might agree, but if we mean usability in general, I think you are off the mark.

What is "elegance" of a proof if not usability? Why do mathematicians continue to "refactor" proofs in search of greater elegance, if not for the sake of some psychological quality of simplicity or clarity that makes the essence of the proof more evident?

All of these fields have been around for so long that usability has evolved in them naturally. All those tricks for solving differential equations, all those lemmas lying around in math are the natural expression of usability. They answer the question "How could I do the same thing a bit easier, a bit more clearly?"

I would agree with you that formally-trained psychologists are not necessarily going to add a lot to any of these fields, or to the field of programming, but I will argue (as I have before) that one way or another PL design has to come up with some princpled vocubulary of elegance/usability/human factors to deal with the real issues that are there, and that have been subsumed already into other mathematical endeavors.

So we agree whole-heartedly that someone serious about being a programming professional should have a solid foundation in theory; I don't think this is an unreasonable requirement.

But a PL can have an excellent theoretical basis and still be poorly designed for use, even if you limit that use to the theoretically savvy.

I am Lothar of the Hill People!

What is "elegance" of a proof if not usability? Why do mathematicians continue to "refactor" proofs in search of greater elegance, if not for the sake of some psychological quality of simplicity or clarity that makes the essence of the proof more evident?

I don't dispute that at all. When I wrote "psychology" I meant the scientific field of formal psychology.

But a PL can have an excellent theoretical basis and still be poorly designed for use, even if you limit that use to the theoretically savvy.

Sure, but my point is that no one halfway proficient develops such languages because avoiding surface features which might make a language unusable (say, 50-character long keywords) requires little more than common sense and some experience.

Difficult semantic constructions (one might argue, for example, against first-class continuations) are another matter and require much more thought. But in those cases you would even more assuredly not consult a psychologist.

If it's no' Scottish, it's crap

Sure, but my point is that no one halfway proficient develops such languages because avoiding surface features which might make a language unusable (say, 50-character long keywords) requires little more than common sense and some experience.

I would buy this if it weren't for so many counter examples: zero-based indexes mixed with 1-based indexes, "there is more than one way to do it" where each way is slightly different semantically, programmers who think "hjkl" are intuitive keys for navigating the cursor, etc.

And that is just the petty stuff.

Do we just have to accept an eternal battle between "delimited with pretty printing" vs. "significant whitespace", or might there be a principled way to choose between them (perhaps each having it's appropriate, but different, use)?

one might argue, for example, against first-class continuations

An interesting choice. From my point of view continuations are wonderfully simple once you let go of preconceptions. The only thing that is hard about them is that they fall in the crack between two well-established paradigms: they are too functional from a procedural point of view and too stateful from a functional point of view.

I suppose in the end their biggest failing is that you don't really NEED them.

But in those cases you would even more assuredly not consult a psychologist.

Unless of course you were feeling despondent about it. ;-)

What has first-class status in Turing machine?

I suppose in the end their biggest failing is that you don't really NEED them.
them being first-class continuations. But cannot we say the same about first-class functions, procedures, or state? What has first-class status in Turing machine?

I only hope by NEED was not meant some cognitive factor...

Turing madness

What has first-class status in Turing machine?

How about this Andris? Why don't you take a vow to only program on a Turing machine from now on, and let us all know how that works out for you. ;-)

I only hope by NEED was not meant some cognitive factor...

Let me spell that out. In this instance, "not needed" means that there are other common PL structures that can accomplish the same ends most of the time, and these do not sacrifice simplicity to any great extent.

On Difficulty

Are difficulty, tractability, complexity and so on psychological concepts? I think the problem is that none of them is a purely psychological (or non-psychological) concept. There are specialised notions of complexity that are wholly non-psychological, that are based on formal metrics without reference to "cognitive factors", but these aren't the only notions of complexity we ever need or use.

Take the argument that shared-state concurrency is an inferior way of dealing with concurrency because it leads to "complexity" that is difficult to "manage": given a better "paradigm" we can avoid getting lost in those woods. Are these assertions grounded in analysis of the formal properties of programs written in different ways, or do they refer to the experiences of programmers trying to solve problems?

Perhaps we need to distinguish between psychology in the broad sense of people's "mindset" (their prejudices and predispositions), and the specific psychology of problem description and solution: for instance, the fact that given the "right" description of a problem it is often easier to find a solution, even though a solution could also be painstakingly inferred from less apt (but still correct) descriptions; and also the fact that the "right" description can be different for different people, based - aggravatingly enough - on their initial "mindset"...

Oh the humanity!

Are difficulty, tractability, complexity and so on psychological concepts?

If we are using psychological in place of the dread "human factors", I think that they often are.

Partly this is ambiguity of usage. We can always hedge and say that "difficulty" in mathematics is based on something objective, say the number of known techniques that can be used on a problem of configuration X, or the presence of certain features which have known pitfalls.

But I think this is sweeping dust under the rug. Generally what we mean by a problem being difficult is that, given some norm of mental tools at someone's disposal (whether "common sense" tools or the result of training), we assess the problem has a good chance of not being solved, or at least of taking a long time.

So let me propose as a first approach to the HF problem that when we discuss such an issue, we define the norm of mental tools we are assuming, then show how it interacts with the given problem.

I suspect that just defining the mental tools we think "any programmer" should have will illuminate a number of PL design issues and disagreements.