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Eriskay: a Programming Language Based on Game SemanticsEriskay: a Programming Language Based on Game Semantics. John Longley and Nicholas Wolverson. GaLoP 2008.
It's always interesting to see a new programming language strongly based on some mathematical formalism, because a language gives you a concrete example to match the abstract semantic definitions to, and game semantics is something that I've been curious about for a while. One particularly interesting feature is that the core language has a restricted model of the heap, which controls the use of higher-order store in such a way that cycles are prohibited. This is enforced with a notion called "argument safety", which essentially prohibits storing values of higher type into fields which come from "outside" the object. This is somewhat reminiscent of the ownership disciplines found in OO verification systems like Boogie, which enforce a tree structure on the ownership hierarchy. It would be very interesting to find out whether this resemblance is a coincidence or not. (Samson Abramsky has some lecture notes on game semantics for the very curious.) |
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