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Writing a new language - ideas?Hi, I want to write a new language. However, I need something new to justify writing the language. I imagined a system where all code would be transformed by bytecode via macros. Turns out that has been done. I imagined objects that were made by copying - turns out that has been done in prototype OOP. I imagined where functions and objects were the same thing - turns out that is just first class functions. Can people of this forum suggest anything? I would prefer ideas that target the below key principles: 1. makes code shorter. I want to be able to describe client-server programs with ten lines or less. I want to be able to write gui code with just a data structure and telling it to represent itself. How? Standard templates? Code generation of gui, protocols? Transparent functions and data? 2. makes code less error prone. Typos and Logic errors should be the only thing to exist. How can we enforce less errors by making errors impossible to express? 3. makes intention/purpose over implementation. In a perfect world, programming would be done with strong AI assistants (paid in cpu hours). Without AI what methods would we use intention to guide (potentially automatic) implementation? 4. makes reading, sharing, and reusing over writing. OOP was touted as the solution to sharing. Is it? 5. unifying What I am not interested is static/dynamic, typed/untyped, etc debates. Cheers! By windozer at 2008-06-22 12:56 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 12709 reads
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