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Sound and Complete Type Inference in BitCJust a "head's up" that the extended version of the mentioned paper is now available on the BitC docs page. Given the amount of type algebra, it doesn't do very well in HTML. The PDF version is SRL2008-02. This is an extended version of our upcoming APLAS paper that includes all of the supporting proofs. So far as we know, this is the first sound and complete, integrative treatment of polymorphism and mutability in a single inference scheme. Subsequent to this work, the BitC type system was revised to add a const meta-constructor and to re-specify mutability on a path-wise basis. This corrects a problem with deep immutability that was revealed by by-reference parameters and inner references. The revised type rules can be found in SRL2008-03. The revised rules remain sound and complete, and should be implemented in the compiler by some time early next week. Still to come before we can release the first compiler are existential types, effect types, and structure subtyping. I don't want to pick on Clojure (which looks very cool), but in light of the current discussion about state in Clojure, it may be appropriate to offer a counter-position: Claim: If it isn't possible to efficiently self-host the runtime of your favorite functional language, then you can't argue credibly against imperative programming yet. At most, you might sustain an argument that imperative programming can (and perhaps should) be relegated to a very restricted part of your runtime library. This argument, in our view, evaporates in a puff of logic when performance criteria are admitted into the language evaluation. In BitC, we take the position that pure programming is good when you can afford it (which is most places), but that there are places where we don't yet have any realistic alternative to imperative programming idioms. By shap at 2008-09-08 19:50 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 6345 reads
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