Chuck Thacker is building a new research computer called the BEE3.
There was a time, years ago, when computer architecture was a most exciting area to explore. Talented, young computer scientists labored on the digital frontier to devise the optimal design, structure, and implementation of computer systems. The crux of that work led directly to the PC revolution from which hundreds of millions benefit today. Computer architecture was sexy.
These days? Not so much. But Chuck Thacker aims to change that.
To understand the importance of such machines in computing history remember what Alan Kay says of the predecessor used to develop Smalltalk at Xerox PARC:
We invented the Alto and it allowed us to do things that weren’t commercially viable until the 80’s. A research computer is two cubic feet of the fastest computing on the planet. You make it, then you figure out what to do with it. How do you program it? That’s your job! Because real thinking takes a long time, you have to give yourself room to do your thinking. One way to buy time is to use systems not available to most people.
I want one!
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