Ivan Krstić, former director of One Laptop per Child and all around computer security guru, has a few humorous thoughts on the current intersection between security and programming language design in Languages and security: a short reading list.
If I had to grossly overgeneralize, I’d say people looking at language security fall in roughly three schools of thought:
1. The "My name is Correctness, king of kings" people say that security problems are merely one manifestation of incorrectness, which is dissonance between what the program is supposed to do and what its implementation actually does. This tends to be the group led by mathematicians, and you can recognize them because their solutions revolve around proofs and the writing and (automatic) verification thereof.
2. The "If you don’t use a bazooka, you can’t blow things up" people say that security problems are a byproduct of exposing insufficiently intelligent or well-trained programmers to dangerous language features that don’t come with a safety interlock. You can identify these guys because they tend to make new languages that no one uses, and frequently describe them as "like popular language X but safer".
3. The "We need to change how we fundamentally build software" people say that security problems are the result of having insufficiently fine-grained methods for delegating individual bits of authority to individual parts of a running program, which traditionally results in all parts of a program having all the authority, which means the attack surface becomes a Cartesian product of every part of the program and every bit of authority which the program uses. You can spot these guys because they tend to throw around the phrase "object-capability model".
Now, while I'm already grossly overgeneralizing, I think the first group is almost useless, the second group is almost irrelevant, and the third group is absolutely horrible at explaining what the hell they’re talking about.
Tongue in cheek? Absolutely, but probably not that far off when it comes to the languages that the mainstream uses today (except, arguably, for the quibble that #2 is applied to some extent in all of the most popular "managed" language runtimes).
As the name of article suggests it has some good links for further study into current lines of research.
Which directions are likely to be the most fruitful in the coming years? And what other directions are being missed?
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