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Seeking succnict thoughts on pros/cons of hl language stylesAssuming one can choose among: Imperative, Functional, Object-Oriented, Declarative styles (or anything else important I've missed, including sub-categories thereof e.g. is Relational a sub-category of Declarative?) of programming language, what are the pros and cons of each? Yes, I have my copy of CTM, and I'm making my way through it, but I'm hoping to find/make a list that is more succinct. :-) I'd break that down into 3 perspectives: the theoretical; the pragmatic; and the current state-of-the-art. (E.g. "Theoretically, Haskell should be able to do XYZ, but the current compiler + runtime doesn't, although a first take on it is slated for 6.13.") The main thing I'm trying to do is get a feeling / mental model for whatever "iron triangle/polygon" there is among the pros-cons of language style at a high level. A small example of a factoid in this realm: OO vs. FP: OO pro is adding a new data type, con is adding a new method, whereas FP's pro is adding a new function, and the con is adding a new data type. thank you and yes i will try to re-dig-in to CTM. By raould at 2009-03-31 21:06 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 5648 reads
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