Any tips (Logo)?

I have a couple of Logo turtle graphics examples that I need to reproduce in high resolution. any suggestions which software I can use? (I am lazy, so I prefer something that can execute the logo directly though translating to other languages should be trivial; it uses logo variables and list handling primitives).

So is there any high resolution freely available logo implementation out there?

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ucblogo has an EPSPICT

ucblogo has an EPSPICT procedure that writes the state of the graphics window as a EPS file that you could render to whatever bitmap resolution you need; it won't work with drawings that use the FILL, PENERASE or PENREVERSE commands though

Sounds like exactly what I

Sounds like exactly what I need, thanks!

I now have what appears to

I now have what appears to be an EPS file which includes lineto's etc., but for some reason neither Photoshop nor Ghostview show anything... Investigating.

I had the same thing when I

I had the same thing when I tried it out just now. It seems like the drawing is filled with black and the turtle trails drawn in black on top. Deleting the lines that look like

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 setrgbcolor
0 0 moveto 804 0 lineto 804 1182 lineto 0 1182 lineto
closepath fill grestore

at the top of the EPS file will get rid of the background fill

Thanks, that does the trick!

Thanks, that does the trick!

Not that I managed to use it

Not that I managed to use it successfully yet, but Logo2PS which underlines EPSPICT which Geoff directed me to is a nice little example of metaprogramming.


There is also ACS Logo which can do PDF, SVG, and Tiff output, assuming you have a Macintosh handy; although I'm not sure how well it really adheres to the Logo standard.

Thanks. I used UCB for now.

Thanks. I used UCB for now. I'll keep ACS in mind.