ICFP 2009 videos

I'm not sure whether this has already been posted (a quick search says "no"), but videos from 40 presentations at ICFP 2009 (in Edinburgh), are available through this Vimeo account. I'm sure this will be of some interest to LtU readers.

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this is a great precedent.

this is a great precedent.

Hurrah, Graham and Malcolm!

Everyone owes a vote of thanks to Graham Hutton and Malcolm Wallace (and the audio-video folk at the Royal College of Physicians of Ednburgh) for getting this done.


Thank you so much for making these available. I wish I could have gone. This is almost as good.

Thanks, Dominic. As you can

Thanks, Dominic. As you can see contributing editors (including yours truly) are neglecting their duties and not posting enough (hint, hint).