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Recursive type for yielding functionThis is the problem: I have a function that yields a number N times. The caller invokes the function, and gets the number and a continuation. It does some work then invokes the continuation, getting another number and continuation. That repeats until N continuations are invoked. Things become interesting when I try to type the continuation returned by the yielding function. It seems that it has a recursive type. Is that a known result? How do type systems deal with recursive types? def numbers = fun(... -> return(Yield_int, int), throw(Exception) {...}) type Yield_int = fun(-> (Yield_int, int), (Exception)) I use continuation-passing style notation. Whatever comes after "->" is a continuation passed as argument to the function. By default a function takes two continuations, one for normal return and one for exceptions. So the notation above means the return value of Yield_int is the pair (Yield_int, int). I am not sure how to manage the stack with a yielding function too. The Yield_int continuation looks like a capturing lambda, so I could allocate memory to hold captured variables. But I may need to allocate more memory for each Yield_int continuation, which does not look optimal. My ideas range from a fragmented stack frame to read-only memory pages for the Yield_int continuation when it is not activated. That may not be a discussion for ltu... By Denis Bredelet -jido at 2009-10-11 14:39 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 4419 reads
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