ChucK : A Strongly timed language

Hi all,

I've been lurking here for a while - but this is my first post - so I hope I've got the
formatting right!

I thought perhaps this might be of interest to the community here:

ChucK : Strongly-timed, Concurrent, and On-the-fly Audio Programming Language

From the language specification:

"ChucK is a strongly-timed language, meaning that time is fundamentally embedded in the language. ChucK allows the programmer to explicitly reason about time from the code. This gives extremely flexible and precise control over time and (therefore) sound synthesis."

The idea of a programming language providing explicit support for being able to statically reason about how much real time a procedure requires (as opposed to it's O(n) time-complexity) seems new to me, and potentially of significant value in areas well outside ChucK's domain of audio processing i.e. real-time systems in general, and possibly even other application areas.

Your thoughts appreciated!

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Does it do that?

The idea of a programming language providing explicit support for being able to statically reason about how much real time a procedure requires (as opposed to it's O(n) time-complexity) seems new to me

From the docs you linked to, my impression is that the language just has some built-in support for scheduling. I don't see any static analysis discussed.

You're correct. It doesn't

You're correct. It doesn't do anything of the sort.

See also on LtU

Mea Culpa

Sorry, I realise now that ChucK doesn't do what I thought (hoped!) it did. Also I now realise I should have checked to see if it had already been mentioned here. I promise to be more careful in future!

My apologies to everyone, sorry for any inconvenience caused.

And thanks to all who replied & provided links despite my miscomprehension.