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Ward's WikiRecently doing research into Wiki's, I've gained a renewed appreciation for the discussion that went on (and still goes on somewhat...) in Ward Cunningham's original Wiki dedicated to pattern discussions. Topics are organized by topic using Wiki words, and there is usually a vibrant discussion that goes on in the page. These discussions are sort of hard to follow since the wiki doesn't have built-in support for discussion threading. On the other hand, discussions are expected to be refactored into the body of the topic's documented by the community. Wikipedia refines this concept a bit by having a talk page behind every document (they are separate but connected). LtU on the other hand, is more like a newsgroup: you can post a forum topic, but the body of the topic is rarely edited (if only to make corrections) after the topic is started. The discussion is not re-factored into the body of the topic, while some topics are repeatedly revived in slightly different ways and cannot be consolidated into one discussion because refactoring isn't supported. Some topics act kind of like articles, but content is necessarily added as comments since only the owner of the topic can edit the body. So what's my point? Obviously Ward's wiki is not as popular as it used to be, while LtU is a growing community. Is this because what people actually want are forums and not wiki's? I see a lot of value in the wiki approach myself, and would like my so-called cake and eat it to (that is to say wiki topics with threaded discussions and refactoring). Anyways just a thought. By Sean McDirmid at 2009-12-24 03:52 | Site Discussion | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 6124 reads
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