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Objects to Unify Type Classes and GADTsObjects to Unify Type Classes and GADTs, by Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira and Martin Sulzmann:
A very interesting paper on generalizing and unifying type classes and GADTs. Classes are now first-class values, resulting in a language that resembles a traditional, albeit more elegant, object-oriented language, and which supports a form of first-class "lightweight modules". The language supports the traditional use of implicit type class dispatch, but also supports explicit dispatch, unlike Haskell. The authors suggest this could eliminate much of the duplication in the Haskell standard library of functions that take a type class or an explicit function, eg. insert/insertBy and sort/sortBy, although some syntactic sugar is needed to make this more concise. Classes are open to extension by default, although a class can also be explicitly specified as "sealed", in which case extension is forbidden and you can pattern match on the cases. Furthermore, GADTs can now also carry methods, thus introducing dispatch to algebraic types. This fusion does not itself solve the expression problem, though it does ease the burden through the first-class support of both types of extension. You can see the Scala influences here. I found this paper via the Haskell sub-reddit, which also links to a set of slides. The authors acknowledge Scala as an influence, and as future work, suggest extensions like type families and to support more module-like features, such as nesting and opaque types. By naasking at 2010-02-22 21:51 | Functional | Object-Functional | OOP | Theory | Type Theory | other blogs | 23767 reads
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