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Data schema languagesHello I've been thinking recently about schema languages for data, and in particular what it takes to give them a formal foundation. I expect a lot of type system theory would apply, since these are effectively type systems for data, however they're a bit different to a typical programming language's type system. On the one hand they often include value-level constraints like 'integer between 0 and 16', which I imagine might require dependent types to formalise in terms of type theory. On the other hand, things are in some ways simpler, because soundness and completeness are only required with respect to correct serialisation and deserialisation of data, not with respect to correct execution of code. Then there is the fact that often a schema language is designed to express more than just a true/false validation process, but to add extra metadata to types for reflection by various tools / for various purposes, eg:
Wonder if anyone here has any good references on this stuff, in particular any attempts to formalise semantics and prove soundness etc for such a language? (FYI I'm interested in attempting this for a YAML or JSON-based schema language) Cheers! By Matthew Willson at 2010-06-06 16:23 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 7503 reads
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