Evaluating code quality


At times there is need to evaluate code quality. Usually this is to assess overall performance of IT unit or put subjective value on the codebase, or to make a scrap or keep decision. This means that definition of quality is very broad - includes security, code re-use, fitness for purpose, etc.

What standards or guidelines could be applied to move from subjective to objective metrics? What subjective metrics are the important ones?

Standards wise I could only come up with OWASP Code Review Guide for webapp security, ISO 12207 for development process.
Your thougts?

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IEEE Reuse doctrine

There is a IEEE spec governing reuse throughout the whole software product lifecycle (including requirements), but I forget the IEEE standard #. It is so boring to read, though.

There are so many factors.

There are so many factors. What is the unit of code subject to quality criteria? We can imagine a code base comprising many units which have differing levels of quality. I'd say so, but even the presence of well defined and separate units itself can be difficult to discover and differ greatly depending upon the skills or culture of the development team.

Can we ever separate quality from the language processor and runtime? Even a "non-performance sensitive" piece of code will nearly always have implicit, approximate performance requirements. For example, say, nearly everyone would judge a "strlen" style routine that takes 14 hours to execute to be of "poor quality."

Need we implicitly bracket our code criteria by the source language's features and limitations, so that scoring "reuse" or other quality criteria for C, Pascal, Python, Scheme, ML and Scala must always be defined in a language dependent fashion? Or, conversely, can we deem a body of code to be of poor quality simply by misapplication of the "wrong" language to a particular problem domain?

Many, many moons ago, I performed several code reviews. One lesson burned into my brain from those days was: "Quality Criteria Compete." Even if, in fact, some quality criteria may end up being mutually reinforcing, it's still a very good working assumption to start with.

During code review engagements, my first step was to ask the team if quality criteria were well defined in writing in advance (they never were). Second, I presented the team with an extensive list of candidate code quality criteria that I forced them to rank in strict priority order. I never even looked at the code until after they completed this exercise.

This helped to frame the review by the project goals and project-local coding practices. In turn, this helps the reviewer avoid arbitrary imposition of their own priority criteria coding style preferences during evaluation. Say, in C++, I might like the extensive use of exceptions, smart pointers and multiple inheritance (I don't, actually), but it would be foolish for me to say that a use of C++ as just a "better C" in some project automatically disqualifies the code base as having "poor quality" because of divergences from my own preferences.

I relied quite a bit back then on a lengthy hardback book on code reviews, but have now forgotten its title and author. I might be able to dig it up over the next day or two. I found it a very thorough, perhaps too thorough for some projects, but still reasonably measured and pragmatic approach to the problem.


During code review

During code review engagements, my first step was to ask the team if quality criteria were well defined in writing in advance (they never were). Second, I presented the team with an extensive list of candidate code quality criteria that I forced them to rank in strict priority order. I never even looked at the code until after they completed this exercise.

This is very good suggestion!

One question is on the level of depth of evaluation. Say, if you take something like OWASP Code Review guide which talks about security, it really is very much about nitty-gritty details and while it can arrive at negative conclusion, to which I arrived once when looked at a code base - "there is too many sql and XSS injeections, rewrite" it is more difficult to arrive at a positive conclusion unless strong patterns emerge.

Photos can jog memory

Is the code review book any of the ones shown on Karl Wiegers Good Books page, under the Quality section?

Yes! "Software Inspection".

Yes! "Software Inspection". Thanks for the memory jog.