Languages with ANSI Standards

Does anyone know where I could obtain a list of programming languages which also have ANSI standards?
ANSI's website leaves a lot to be desired.

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Here's my best shot:

This bibliography lists Ada, APT (a numerical control language), Basic, C, C++, Cobol, Common Lisp, Dibol, Forth, Fortran, Mumps/M, PANCM, Pascal, PL/B (aka Databus), PL/I, Rexx, Smalltalk, SQL. There are lots of drafts, versions, subsets, extensions, bindings, modules, etc. In addition, googling pops up an ANSI version of APL.

The ISO languages are Ada, APL, C, C++, Cobol, Fortran, ISLisp, and Prolog.


The IEEE has also released PL standards. I don't know of many languages that have had them, but I do know that Scheme had one, but didn't renew it, and Verilog has a series of standards.

my intent

to find languages which aren't likely to have the rug pulled out from under them like Java, because they have well accepted standards by reputable establishments. as opposed to being owned solely by a private company. the JVM might be a convenient implementation target for a compiler or interpreter but it has been proven recently that it is not a very open one. whereas ANSI C isn't going to suddenly disappear and you are free to implement some or all off it's standard without oversight by a privately held company.

It doesn't help all that much

Big companies can push their products through standards processes if they are willing to be open enough, and sometimes even if they aren't. E.g., C# has an ISO standard. What happens to the language if Microsoft feels compelled —hard to believe, I know, but did you predict Sun being acquired by Oracle five years ago?— to end all business and support relationships to do with the language?

I feel that my answer is veering off towards the territory of our rival, Lambda the Ultimate Business Blog. Try not to follow me too far.

I don't know

Definitely seems like C is a better choice than the JVM as a target. At least from this perspective. I expected at some point the JVM would end badly in some way, I couldn't have forseen obviously that Oracle would purchase Sun. Right now it seems like there are a lot of people really legitimately upset about this who are hunting around for what they want to replace Java with. What I want is to find a language implementation target for the long term which has a much lower likely hood of causing me problems. My point is now all of these implementations: Clojure, Groovy, JRuby, Jython, Rhino, Scala are in a very bad position for future adoption, as the JVM has now become risky. This isn't about business, it's about being practical, planning and making rational choices.