Seeking papers that unify control theory and programming language design

I've seen some inspiring topology-related papers here on LtU, but I don't ever remember reading papers about control theory. So I figured I would go ahead and ask if there are any classical papers or even any fresh off the press papers I could perhaps read.

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Pappas, Tabuada, Ptolemy, Synchronous languages

George Pappas and Paulo Tabuada have done some work on bringing bisimulation and other concurrency theory ideas to control theory (mostly in the context of hybrid systems). See, for example Haghverdi et al., "Bisimulation relations for dynamical, control, and hybrid systems", or Tabuada, "Symbolic models for control systems". You might also look at publications from the Ptolemy project, and some of the work that's been done on using synchronous languages for embedded control systems.

SELFMAN, Willems

Peter van Roy's work in the SELFMAN project seems somewhat related, though not really directly related to programming language design. I also recommend looking at Jan Willems' work if you haven't before. It's not related to PLT at all, but it takes a more general and simpler approach to control theory that may be more amenable to linking up with PLT.