Bret Victor's talk has been making a huge splash on the net and we might as well talk about it here. The first part of the talk basically describes a lot of live programming ideas, some of which we have explored before but have never demoed quite as well as he has. Note that his demo is completely on cherry picked scenarios, there isn't a general system behind his work. Here are the interesting parts I'm recalling from memory:
- The first part simply discusses live editing of a discrete program that creates a static image, which simply means you re-execute the program after each edit and observe its new output in real time. Easy enough to do in any language, as long as the program is small enough to execute quickly, edits effects on execution will appear seamless.
- The second part deals with a stateful game, where he demonstrates time travel and projection to explore how changes in the code effect the result. Much more interesting, though I think for the demo he is just recording the input streaming and replaying the game (which is just one scene) with the recorded input each time time travel occurs backward (wit projection you just fiddle screen clearing).
- Observing the effects of programming a quicksort function in real time by specifying sample input. Very similar to Flogo II's live text concept, but loop variable values are encoded as nice tables.
- Finally, Bret does a custom animation through macro recording and by going back in time and recording other movements. The composite of all the recordings that occur in overlapping time segments then becomes the final animation.
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