Hi All,
Pythonect is almost two months old and I think it's a good time to promote a design discussion on the language syntax.
The current syntax works great, but it is limited, and makes writing complex programs difficult. For example:
range(99, 0, -1) | str -> _ + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," -> print -> _.split(" on")[0] + '.' -> print -> print("Take one down, pass it around,")
This is a variant of '99 Bottles of Beer' program written in Pythonect, and it's not the easiest code to read and understand.
I am looking for syntax proposals to complement Pythonect syntax, and I have started a wiki page for it at:
Anyone can edit the syntaxes wiki page and add a new syntax proposal. A proposal can be a new idea, based on another, or mix-up of two or more.
Also, please include with each proposal (in the wiki) the following programs written in the proposed syntax:
* Hello World program
* 99 Bottles of Beer program
* Multithread Counter (a simple loop that prints from 1 to 10 in each thread) program
This will help show the look and feel of the proposed syntax, as well as to be able to compare it to another proposal.
To kick off the discussion, I have added 4 potential syntaxes (Python-like, C-like, Musical notation like, and F#-like) to the wiki page, and I am looking forward to have them reviewed.
All feedback and comments are appreciated.
Itzik Kotler
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