JavaScript in the browser : (yet another) bigint calculator toy language


I was curious to see how JavaScript in my various browser versions is performing lately in the case of both stack-greedy and numeric operations-intensive computations (well, or somehow).

So I made this small big integer-calculator toy language (three keywords only : const, print, and show) providing the usual four operations, the modulus (%), and four builtin functions: the square root (sqrt), the power (pow), the recursive factorial (fact) and a memoizing Fibonacci (fibo).

(the language isn't just a fluent interface hosted by JavaScript; it's parsed by an actual PEG-based parser I made after augmenting Chris Double's jsparse a bit for my needs.)

The results (timings) and differences observed are sometimes interesting.

1. the calculator also knows the first 20 Mersenne primes (consts M1 thru M20); e.g.:

show M20 ;

2. the semicolon is a statement terminator, not a separator
3. no parse error handling at all

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(Updated with companion link

(Updated with companion link to a separate, simple demo of Hindley-Milner algorithm W, with 3 atomic types (bool, int, str), and in JS as well; inspired from B. McKenna's)

I was a bit surprised (*) to

I was a bit surprised (*) to notice that a rather straightforward, barely improving translation of this algorithm W PoC from JavaScript into its C# equivalent would actually end up being a little shorter :

217 lines of C# vs. 275 lines of the 1st shot at it in JavaScript (for the algorithm proper).

(*) not that much, really