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Pointer-Free Parallel ProgrammingAs part of the ongoing design of the ParaSail programming language, we settled on a "pointer free" approach. Given that pointers (or references in Java parlance) are rather fundamental to almost all modern languages which allow the user definition of structures like trees, lists, sets, maps, graphs, etc., this seems like a risky decision. In fact, we have been very pleased with the result, and in some ways it requires only a slight shift from the familiar programming model, while in other ways it makes for a dramatic simplification in storage management, assignment semantics, analyzability, etc. Coupled with a few other ParaSail rules, the elimination of pointers makes it as easy to parallelize ParaSail as it is to parallelize a pure side-effect-free functional language, while remaining very much in the familiar territory of the Java/C# class-and-interface-based object-oriented programming world. Overall, ParaSail is a pleasure to program in, and this is in no small part due to the elimination of pointers from the surface syntax and semantics of the language. Of course, pointers are likely to still be used behind the scenes by any ParaSail implementation, but that doesn't affect the simplicity provided at the programmer level of having banished them. We have written a longer "blog" entry on this topic here: By sttaft at 2012-08-01 17:34 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 17178 reads
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