[ANN] Code Generation 2013 Call for Speakers

Code Generation 2013 is a practitioner conference focussing on emerging tools, technologies and approaches in Model-Driven Software Development. The event takes place from 10 – 12 April 2013 in Cambridge, UK.

Call for Speakers:
Submission Deadline: Friday December 14th 2012

We are seeking high-quality session proposals covering any aspect of MDSD (including Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), Domain-Specific Modelling, Generative Programming, Software Product Lines and related areas).

Sessions could cover topics such as:

- Defining and implementing modelling languages
- Code Generation and Model Transformation tools and approaches
- Language evolution and modularization
- Domain Analysis and Domain Engineering
- Tool and technology adoption
- Meta Modeling
- Runtime virtual machines versus direct code generation
- Approaches to code generation
- Approaches to combined development (partial code generation with partial handwritten code)
- Flexibility in code generation

Case studies and interactive sessions based on these and related approaches are particularly encouraged although more theoretical sessions are also welcome.

Accepted speakers have their conference fees waived.

For full details and instructions on how to submit a session please visit: http://www.codegeneration.net/cg2013/submissions/index.php

The conference, now in its 7th year, is organised by Cambridge-based software events specialist Software Acumen.

Hear what previous participants thought in this short video clip: