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Speech-to-text friendly programming languagesI have a few friends that have severe repetitive stress injury and can effectively no longer type for long periods of type. I'm trying to consider an environment and a language which would be suited to speech-to-text input. My first thought on the base language is Standard ML since definitions are self contained and require no "punctuation" e.g. let x=5 is valid and complete without double-semicolons at the end. Thus, you could say "let x be five, let y be seven" and produce the above code without too much interpolation. That said, there would have to be a grammar that translated a precise speech into ML and to be really effective, the ML generated would have to be constantly reparsed and kept in a symbol-table state so that the speech processing program could use the inherent structure of the underlying language to disambiguate slurred or otherwise ambiguous speech. Another good reason to use Standard ML is that parsed ML contains more information than many other languages due to type-safety putting restrictions on variable/function usage -- more disambiguation possible. Does anyone have any thoughts on other requirements for such a beast or pointers to research that has already been done that I might not find through an old-fashined ACM/Citeseer/DBLP search? By Jefferson Heard at 2005-01-06 14:58 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 21943 reads
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