automatic test discovery without reflection?

A programming language which is intended for production use must support the ability to easily create unit tests. Unit testing frameworks typically support a feature called test discovery, whereby all tests that are linked within an executable can be automatically detected and run, without the need for the programmer to manually register them.

For many languages such as Java and Python, reflection is used for this purpose. For languages that don't support reflection (e.g. C++) other, more cumbersome, methods are employed such as registration macros.

One problem with using reflection is that for AOT (Compiled ahead-of-time, as opposed to JIT) languages, reflection is expensive in terms of code size. Even in compressed form, the metadata for describing a method or class will often be larger than the thing being described. This can be a significant burden on smaller platforms such as embedded systems and game consoles. (Part of the reason for the bulk is due to the need to encode the metadata in a way that is linker-compatible, so that a type defined in one module can reference a type defined in a different module.)

Most of the things that one would use reflection for can be accomplished via other means, depending on the language. For example, reflection is often used to automatically construct implementations of an interface, such as for creating testing mocks or RPC stubs, but these can also be done via metaprogramming. However, metaprogramming can't solve the problem of test discovery, because the scope of metaprogramming is limited to what the compiler knows at any given moment, whereas the set of tests to be run may be a collection of many independently-compiled test modules.

A different technique is annotation processing, where the source code is annotated with some tags that are then consumed by some post-processor which generates additional source code to be included in the output module. In this case, the processor would generate the test registration code, which would be run during static initialization. The main drawback here is complexity, because the annotation processor isn't really a feature of the language so much as it is a feature of the compilation environment - in other words, you can't specify the behavior you want in the language itself.

I would be curious to know if there are other inventive solutions to this class of problems.

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Naming conventions

For Awelon Object (AO), every word of the form `` will be run as an isolated unit test. (The `.` here is part of the name. I could just easily have favored `test_foo` or `test:foo`.) I find this very easy to use and understand.

Tests in this sense aren't compiled into the executable or a test suite. Thus, I don't need a registration phase. They're recognized by the development environment, and should eventually be automated so you're informed in real-time of which tests you just broke.