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Casting addresses of other Actors considered harmfulFor an Actor to cast an address of another Actor is a dubious operation. Instead, an Actor should only cast its own address to interfaces that it implements. For example, Consider the following definition: Interface Account with getBalance[ ] ↦ Currency, deposit[Currency] ↦ Void, withdraw[Currency] ↦ Void The following is an implementation of Account: Actor SimpleAccount[aBalance:Currency] myBalance ≔ aBalance。 implements Account using getBalance[ ] → myBalance deposit[anAmount] → Void afterward myBalance ≔ myBalance+anAmount withdraw[anAmount] → (anAmount > myBalance) � True ⦂ Throw Overdrawn[ ] False ⦂ Void afterward myBalance ≔ myBalance–anAmount The above implementation of Account can be extended as follows to provide the ability to revoke some abilities to change an account by providing AccountSupervisor and AccountRevoker interfaces: The implementation AccountSupervisor below implements the Account interface as well as AccountSupervisor and AccountRevoker interfaces as an extension of the implementation SimpleAccount: Actor AccountSupervisor[initialBalance:Currency] extends SimpleAccount[initialBalance] withdrawableIsRevoked ≔ False, depositabeIsRevoked ≔ False。 implements AccountSupervisor using getRevoker[ ]→ ⍠AccountRevoker getAccount[ ] → ⍠Account withdrawFee[anAmount] → Void afterward myBalance ≔ myBalance–anAmount // withdraw fee even if balance goes negative also partially reimplements exportable Account using withdraw[anAmount] → withdrawableIsRevoked � True ⦂ Throw Revoked[ ] False ⦂ ⍠SimpleAccount.withdraw[anAmount] deposit[anAmount] → depositableIsRevoked � True ⦂ Throw Revoked[ ] False ⦂ ⍠SimpleAccount.deposit[anAmount] also implements exportable AccountRevoker using revokeDepositable[ ] → Void afterward depositableIsRevoked ≔ True revokeWithdrawable[ ] → Void afterward withdrawableIsRevoked ≔ True For example, the following expression returns negative €3: Let anAccountSupervisor ← AccountSupervisor.[€3]。 Let anAccount ← anAccountSupervisor.getAccount[ ], aRevoker ← anAccountSupervisor.getRevoker[ ]。 anAccount.withdraw[€2] // the balance is €1 aRevoker.revokeWithdrawable[ ] // withdrawableIsRevoked in is True Try anAccount.withdraw[€5] // try another withdraw catch� _ ⦂ Void // ignore the thrown exception // the balance remains €1 anAccountSupervisor.withdrawFee[€4] // €4 is withdrawn even though withdrawableIsRevoked anAccount.getBalance[ ] // the balance is negative €3 By Hewitt at 2015-05-08 15:37 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 4354 reads
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