mbeddr: an Extensible C-based Programming Language and IDE for Embedded Systems

Markus Voelter, Bernd Kolb1, Daniel Ratiu, and Bernhard Schaetz, "mbeddr: an Extensible C-based Programming Language and IDE for Embedded Systems", SplashCON/Wavefront 2012.

Although embedded systems are an increasingly large part of our lives, and despite the fact that embedded software would undoubtedly benefit from the kind safety guarantees provided by more advanced type systems, most embedded software development is still done in C. That's partly a result of toolchain availability, and partly because many more advanced languages typically impose requirements on memory, dynamic memory allocation, and other runtime infrastructure that simply aren't supportable on a lot of resource-constrained microcontrollers or acceptable in a risk-averse environment. Mbeddr seems to be seeking a middle ground between C, and creating a whole new language. From the paper:

While the C programming language provides very good support for writing efficient, low-level code, it does not offer adequate means for defining higher-level abstractions relevant to embedded software. In this paper we present the mbeddr technology stack that supports extension of C with constructs adequate for embedded systems. In mbeddr, efficient low-level programs can be written using the well-known concepts from C. Higher level domain-specific abstractions can be seamlessly integrated into C by means of modular language extension regarding syntax, type system, semantics and IDE. In the paper we show how language extension can address the challenges of embedded software development and report on our experience in building these extensions. We show that language workbenches deliver on the promise of significantly reducing the effort of language engineering and the construction of corresponding IDEs. mbeddr is built on top of the JetBrains MPS language workbench. Both MPS and mbeddr are open source software

It appears that mbeddr allows multiple DSLs to be built on top of C to provide greater safety and more domain-specific expressions of typical embedded software patterns. Additionally, it provides integration with various analysis tools including model-checkers. Another paper, "Preliminary Experience of using mbeddr for Developing Embedded Software", provides a look at how all of these things fit together in use.

The mbeddr approach seems similar in concept to Ivory and Tower, although mbeddr uses JetBrains MPS as the platform for creating DSLs instead of building an embedded DSL in Haskell.

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Nice to see others find that interesting. I've been looking into similar things when day-dreaming, and sure wish I had time for these and Atom and Copilot and ilk.

Know the feeling

I spend a lot of time on embedded code right now, so tools or languages that might help with it are very interesting to me. But yes, it is tough to shake loose the time to really give them a test drive. Not to mention the fact that it can be difficult to convince conservative clients and managers to try something other than C.

Taming C

Some industries still love C but then sort of "tame" it with guidelines and tooling cf. MISRA(ble) C.