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¿How can a dynamically typed language not actively prevent static checking?With all due serious respect to: TypedRacket, TypedLua, Dialyzer, TypeScript, Flow, et. al., I see most if not all attempts to add some form of static type checking to a dynamic language to be indictments of the whole venture. Sure, they might get close to having something, but the something is so far away from 'the goal' that it is proof of the tilting at windmill nature of it all. From my Day Job Joe Programmer Static Typing Bigot perspective. Cf. the long and complicated list of Flow issues on GitHub. I realize that building a language with typing from the ground up is empirically hard to do, or empirically hard to conceive of doing anyway. Thus instead of asking for Magic Pixie Dust Retroactive Static Typing libraries, I think I would like to ask: How can dynamic language creators at least make their dynamic language more rather than less amenable to some possible future static typing analysis? (Of course the answer is to use some static typing engine to lint the grammar/possible productions/whatever, which is obvious and sad and ironic and undermines any such dream ever being fruitful.) Or should we just admit that anybody who thinks we can have our dynamic cake and eat it too is barking up the wrong tree? By raould at 2016-03-28 20:53 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 8366 reads
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