Chez Scheme now open-source

Kent Dybvig (Cadence Research, Cisco Systems) has released the commercial scheme compiler Chez Scheme ( as open source on GitHub. Chez Scheme is a native code generating optimizing compiler for R6RS focusing on performance and productivity. It supports cross-compilation, threading, and many other extensions. Current version is 9.4.

I'm excited to see what the community will build with this great tool.

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Oh nice

It's under an apache license.

I think I'll download it and try it!

Now what

I built the windows version.
You have to use git for the configure script to work.

What is a reasonable dev environment for chez scheme? At this point I guess I have a terminal REPL and that's it.

Josh,Chez Scheme has


Chez Scheme has excellent documentation available online (

If you have succeeded in loading the REPL, then you are ready to compile and/or run programs. Typically "scheme" at the shell prompt is all you need. You can also enter (compile-file "foo") or (compile-program "foo") at the REPL prompt to generate the precompiled "" library. More traditional executables require building "boot" files and placing the executable and the runtime in the correct path(s).

Here's the quick overview man-page: