The Kell Calculus

The Kell Calculus: A Family of Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculi
This paper presents the Kell calculus, a family of distributed process calculi, parameterized by languages for input patterns, that is intended as a basis for studying component-based distributed programming. The Kell calculus is built around a pi-calculus core, and follows five design principles which are essential for a foundational model of distributed and mobile programming: hierarchical localities, local actions, higher-order communication, programmable membranes, and dynamic binding. The paper discusses these principles, and defines the syntax and operational semantics common to all calculi in the Kell calculus family. The paper provides a co-inductive characterization of contextual equivalence for Kell calculi, under sufficient conditions on pattern languages, by means of a form of higher-order bisimulation called strong context bisimulation. The paper also contains several examples that illustrate the expressive power of Kell calculi.

NB: a family of calculi, parameterized by languages

See also: The Kell Calculus

In this page you will find information about the current state of the Kell calculus, links to published papers and drafts, information about where the Kell calculus is going[...]

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Positions available ...


As there is much to do in the domain of the Kell Calculus, from types to implementation to bisimulation theory to language design, we have some positions available for summer interns, PhD students, and postdocs.

More information is available about these position on the Kell Calculus homepage,

Alan Schmitt