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Splitting witnesses upHi, I have an idea for an academic paper, and am seeking help for prior art and research. My idea is about proof witnesses, and what to do when a group of witnesses contradict each other (software bug/logical inconsistency), and repairing the proof. Without going into details on the algorithm, the metaphor is simply to split witnesses up, using a mathematical plane to draw a group of witnesses into two groups: definitely lying (the witness whose account is proven contradictory/false), and somewhat certain (witnesses with similar testimonies who have not yet been proven contradictory/false, but might once asked further questions or may be proven "good enough" given the new questions/evidence we've asked the witness about). My idea comes from witness interrogation techniques in the real world. Since I haven't been active in PLT for several years, my knowledge of what to search for and keywords to use on ACM and IEEE search engines is pretty weak, and I could use some tips. Thank you very much! By Z-Bo at 2016-11-29 14:22 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 5621 reads
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