Kitten has ad-hoc static polymorphism in the form of traits. You can declare a trait with a polymorphic type signature, then define instances with specialisations of that signature:
// Semigroup operation
trait + <T> (T, T -> T)
instance + (Int32, Int32 -> Int32) {
instance + (Int64, Int64 -> Int64) {
This is checked with the standard “generic instance” subtyping relation, in which <T> (T, T -> T)
≤ Int32, Int32 -> Int32
. But the current compiler assumes that specialisations are fully saturated: if it infers that a particular call to +
has type Int32, Int32 -> Int32
, then it emits a direct call to the (mangled) name of the instance. I’d like to remove that assumption and allow instances to be generic, that is, partially specialised:
// List concatenation
instance + <T> (List<T>, List<T> -> List<T>) {
// #1: Map union
instance + <K, V> (Map<K, V>, Map<K, V> -> Map<K, V>) {
// #2: A more efficient implementation when the keys are strings
instance + <V> (Map<Text, V>, Map<Text, V> -> Map<Text, V>) {
But this raises a problem: I want to select the most specific instance that matches a given inferred type. How exactly do you determine that?
That is, for Map<Text, Int32>
, #1 and #2 are both valid, but #2 should be preferred because it’s more specific. There are also circumstances in which neither of two types is more specific: if we added an instance #3 for <K> (Map<K, Int32>, Map<K, Int32> -> Map<K, Int32>)
, then #2 and #3 would be equally good matches, so the programmer would have to resolve the ambiguity with a type signature.
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