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We've got big balls ... of mud ...The most popular and enduring architecture for all large projects is the one called "Big Ball Of Mud." It's what happens when requirements grow in unexpected directions that cut directly across what were originally conceived as architectural boundaries, and met with adhoc code that connects parts of the program that the original architecture would never have allowed to touch each other. Then the whole thing is maintained for ten years, in the face of steadily expanding and frequently changing use cases and problems and by a host of people many of whom don't really know what's going on in the rest of the program, then gets bought by a competitor who starts reimplementing the whole thing in a different language and with a "proper architecture" but runs out of budget for that so they only manage to reimplement about a third of it, then link the stuff in the new language together with the stuff in the original language (and libraries in a third, not that anyone's looking at libraries at this point) and hack together the logical mismatches between "old" and "new" code by running perl scripts on the database. ..... And it just goes on like that - year after year after year. Now imagine it's 2037 or whatever and you have a system where this process has taken the architecture to its logical conclusion. It's not just a big ball of mud any more, it's a planet of mud. There is no solid ground anywhere in any direction. Nothing like any kind of rational architecture (except Big Ball Of Mud architecture) has emerged. What can a programmer who is responsible for some small part of this giant mudball - say, one file of code - do? In the 'thinking globally and acting locally' sense, because obviously one programmer on a whole planet of mud is in no position to impose new architecture on the whole and doesn't even have the information needed to decide a new architecture for the whole. What modest steps can one programmer take to smooth out, and perhaps dry a little, their particular little bit of mud? Ideally, they should be low-effort steps that don't require all that much reaching into all the other bits of mud. And ideally, if all the individual programmers all over the mud planet did them in the course of maintaining their little bits of mud, it should eventually result in the simplification of the whole insofar as possible, and the emergence of some kind of rational architecture. It might be an architecture that no one of the programmers would have designed. It might be an architectural paradigm that humans haven't even discovered yet. It might not be particularly elegant. But after a lot of iterations by people working all over the program, what small, feasible, local actions in a big ball of mud produce a program with more tractable organization? Are there any metrics that a monitoring system can auto-generate that could give the programmer a "score" for whether they're improving or degrading the process of creating some kind of code organization? By Ray Dillinger at 2021-10-13 17:36 | LtU Forum | previous forum topic | next forum topic | other blogs | 2215 reads
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