Book stats

Tim O'Reilly posts a trend graph showing programming language books market share from January 2003 to mid-June 2005.

As LtU readers know, I don't really care about language popularity metrics. They don't tell you much that isn't obvious.

But at least this graph is supposed to reflect real data...

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bigger picture

Here's a bigger picture of the same graph:

It's interesting that "other languages" is #4. I think the increasing awareness/popularity of Python and Ruby show that "working programmers" no longer fear new syntax or languages.

Ruby, really?

I think the increasing awareness/popularity of Python and Ruby show that "working programmers" no longer fear new syntax or languages.

Um, isn't the graph for Ruby the one almost hidden by the time axis?

Legends on the graph

Yes, I would say so. It seems the legends on the graph are in the same order as the values at the starting time.

Of course

The graph doesn't necessarily reflect the direct popularity of languages. I'm probably a bit odd but still I know pretty much all those languages and yet have not purchased a book for any of them.
In fact an elitist argument might be that the "less known languages" would naturally have fewer book sales since those who are smart enough to learn them just get their resources online anyway.

I skew the stats the other way. :-)

Have done stuff with all the languages listed, and own books on all of them except PHP.

Since I sometimes get the feeling that I single handedly prop up the PL book industry, I thought I'd take my own informal survey of the books that I can actually locate. From my findings, I see that Smalltalk is a leading language, but ML and Scheme are rapidly gaining footholds.

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