More on Ruby and Rails in this
Rails is becoming the main reason people decide to pick up Ruby, which is something worth pondering. The interaction between a programming language and a very dominant framework, which isn't part of the standard library of language, is quite interesting.
Some quotes from the interview:
Rails is opinionated software. It eschews placing the old ideals of software in a primary position.
One characteristic of opinionated software is the notion of "conventions over configuration." If you follow basic conventions, such as classes are singular and tables are plural (a person class relates to a people table), you're rewarded by not having to configure that link. The class automatically knows which table to use for persistence. We have a ton of examples like that, which all add up to make a huge difference in daily use.
I really like our domain-specific languages. The beauty of specifying relationships with belongs_to, has_one, has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many. The ease of using validations like validates_presence_of :name.
I think Rails feels, smells, and tastes like it does exactly because its very Ruby-like. It plays heavily on the best in Ruby. The blocks, the ease of creating domain-specific languages, and so on.
What has happened, though, is that Active Record has reduced the pain of dealing with the object-relational mismatch to a point where its a lot less appealing to seek alternatives—especially with databases like SQLite that give you the feel of flat text files, but within the context of SQL.
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