Perl and Haskell

Edd Dumbill has an interview with Autrijus Tang on on Perl and Haskell. It's a much shorter read than the LINQ announcement from Microsoft, so if you only have a few minutes... 8^)

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i like...

...Perl, Haskell and this guy.

Pugs is great marketing for both Perl and Haskell.

Irresistible Autrijus quote:

"faster than C++, more concise than Perl, more regular than Python, more flexible than Ruby, more typeful than C#, more robust than Java, and has absolutely nothing in common with PHP"

That's Haskell in his words...

I wonder if a past Perl hacker like him will ever come back to plain Perl programming or instead focus on providing strong infrastructure via Haskell and let Perl just to application users.

Actually, will that be a trend? Providing good infrastructure with superior languages and let application programmers continue with the same old syntax as a mere front-end to a secure backend (VM or something)?

Language infrastructures

First, thank-you for your kind words and praises. :-)

Pugs's current resident journalist geoffb just posed a writeup on his musings on how Perl 6 is learning from the various language paradigms; I certainly learned a lot during ICFP'05.

To answer your question: I like how CLR languages are specializing toward their strengths, and yet sharing a common development framework. Parrot may help dynamic languages to reach that state -- or if it does not, the Mono equivalent of .Net 3.0 might.

Currently Pugs is pursuing a complementary strategy by targetting Perl 6 to various runtimes (perl5, javascript, parrot, ghc -- maybe YARV, CLR and JVM in the future), so people can select the backend that fits their existing tools best. Scheme folks are very adept at doing this, and I think it's a viable way forward