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Virgil: a statically-typed language balancing functional and OO featuresIn PLDI this year: Ben Titzer, "Harmonizing Classes, Functions, Tuples, and Type Parameters in Virgil III" [pdf]
It's Alive! Continuous Feedback in UI ProgrammingA paper by Burckhardt et al that will appear at PLDI 2013. Abstract:
By Sean McDirmid at 2013-04-04 04:31 | LtU Forum | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 16336 reads
DYNAMOI was surprised to see that DYNAMO hasn't been mentioned here in the past. DYNAMO (DYNAmic MOdels) was the simulation language used to code the simulations that led to the famous 1972 book The Limits to Growth from The Club of Rome. The language was designed in the late 1950s. It is clear that the language was used in several other places and evolved through several iterations, though I am not sure how extensively it was used. When Stafford Beer was creating Cybersyn for Salvador Allende he used DYNAMO to save time suggesting it was somewhat of a standard tool (this is described in Andrew Pickering's important book The Cybernetic Brain). The language itself is essentially what you'd expect. It is declarative, programs consisting of a set of equations. The equations are zero and first-order difference equations of two kinds: level equations (accumulations) and rate equations (flows). Computation is integration over time. Levels can depend on rates and vice versa with the language automatically handling dependencies and circularities. Code looks like code looked those days: fixed columns, all caps, eight characters identifiers. Here are a few links:
LtU is migrating from DrupalAs many of you know we have been suffering for a long time from the deficiencies of Drupal. We have not updated our infrastructure for a long time. Among the features members have been asking for are better integration with other sites and more social features. In particular, many said they want to be able to mark the posts that they find particularly helpful. I am happy to announce that we have big news! In the coming days we will be migrating LtU from Drupal to Facebook. All the awesome features of Facebook will be automatically available; in particular the "Like" mechanism. You will also be able to share photos with other PLT enthusiasts, re-share their shares etc. Best of all, you will be guaranteed the privacy standards of Facebook. Rest assured, we have not made this decision without considering the alternatives. We studied Google+ but given Google's unprovoked assault on RSS with the decision to discontinue Google Reader we found it unconscionable to go with Google. LtU's twitter feed will have to go, I am afraid, given the relationship between our new home and twitter. Hopefully this issue will be resolved once twitter gives up and is acquired by FB. The LtU feed will have ads, per usual on FB. I know this is somewhat of an inconvenience, but at least the ads you will be served will be personalized[1]. Ehud and the LtU Team. [1] I am assured that ads for dynamically typed and scripting languages will never be served to you again after you mark them as "offensive" once.
Who's onlineEarlier today I enabled a drupal feature that list the names of users currently online. It was on the bottom of the right-hand navigation bar, and looked something like this: Who's online Matt M Some might see this as a privacy violation or otherwise object. Since I heard complaints I disabled this feature. What do you think? What is the most bizarre thing you have seen done with TeX?A fun thread at stackexhange. By Ehud Lamm at 2013-03-27 07:46 | Fun | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 16224 reads
Dependent Types for JavaScriptDependent Types for JavaScript, by Ravi Chugh, David Herman, Ranjit Jhala:
Some good progress on inferring types for a very dynamic language. Explicit type declarations are placed in comments that start with "/*:". /*: x∶Top → {ν ∣ite Num(x) Num(ν) Bool(ν)} */ function negate(x) { if (typeof x == "number") { return 0 - x; } else { return !x; } } By naasking at 2013-03-23 15:08 | Object-Functional | Theory | Type Theory | 128 comments | other blogs | 33752 reads
Concurrent RevisionsConcurrent Revisions is a Microsoft Research project doing interesting work in making concurrent programming scalable and easier to reason about. These papers work have been mentioned a number of times here on LtU, but none of them seem to have been officially posted as stories. Concurrent Revisions are a distributed version control-like abstraction [1] for concurrently mutable state that requires clients to specify merge functions that make fork-join deterministic, and so make concurrent programs inherently composable. The library provide default merge behaviour for various familiar objects like numbers and lists, and it seems somewhat straightforward to provide a merge function for many other object types. They've also extended the work to seamlessly integrate incremental and parallel computation [2] in a fairly intuitive fashion, in my opinion. Their latest work [3] extends these concurrent revisions to distributed scenarios with disconnected operations, which operate much like distributed version control works with source code, with guarantees of eventual consistency. All in all, a very promising approach, and deserving of wider coverage. [1] Sebastian Burckhardt and Daan Leijen, Semantics of Concurrent Revisions, in European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'11), Springer Verlag, Saarbrucken, Germany, March 2011 By naasking at 2013-03-18 13:29 | Implementation | OOP | Parallel/Distributed | 13 comments | other blogs | 22213 reads
Feature-Oriented Programming with Object AlgebrasFeature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebras, by Bruno C.d.S. Oliveira, Tijs van der Storm, Alex Loh, William R. Cook:
A follow-up to Object Algebras, this new paper addresses a few of the limitations described in that LtU thread by adding type constructor polymorphism to increase their safety. The paper describes an implementation in Scala, which is the only widely available statically typed OOP language with a sufficiently powerful type system needed to support FOP. This new work also describes some composition mechanisms for object algebras in the context of more expressive languages. By naasking at 2013-03-16 14:53 | Implementation | OOP | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 14225 reads
Twenty Reasons Why You Should Use Boxer (Instead of LOGO)An old paper on boxer that I found while reviewing related work for a paper I'm writing, abstract:
As an early graphical language, it is quite interesting. It is one of the first works I know of that dive into concreteness (they call naive realism):
As well as one of the first languages to use spatial relationships in programming (the only other I know being...agent sheets):
But what I really like is this notion of pokability:
And so on.... |
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