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A StackExchange Site for Programming Language TheoryI recently created a proposal for a StackExchange site for Programming Language Theory. It is currently in the Definition stage and it requires a plethora of good quality questions - questions which you would expect to see on the actual site once it is created. There are already a few example questions. However most of the questions are by users who seem to be only enthusiasts. We need more followers who are experts at PLT to give the site a definite shape. Update: I (Ehud) am promoting this thread to the home page. It seems that the proposal has a good chance, if enough people commit to participate (see the discussion thread). I presume LtU readers would want to know about this process, and make up their own minds about whether they want to join or not. The broad ML Family workshop
It is not generally proper to post call-for-papers on LtU. Exceptions
have been made, for broad workshops likely to appeal to many LtU
readers. I hope the 2014
ML Family workshop also qualifies.
The ML Family workshop intends to attract the entire family of ML languages, whether related by blood to the original ML or not. Our slogan is ``Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict''. Designers and users of the languages fitting the description have many issues in common, from data representation and garbage collection to fancy type system features. As an example, some form of type classes or implicits has been tried or been looked into in several languages of the broad ML family. We hope the ML Family workshop is a good forum to discuss these issues. Also new this year is a category of submissions -- informed opinions -- to complement research presentation, experience reports and demos. We specifically invite arguments about language features, be they types, garbage collection, implicits or something else -- but the arguments must good and justified. Significant personal experience does count as justification, as do empirical studies or formal proofs. We would be delighted if language implementors or long-time serious users could tell, with examples from their long experience, what has worked out and what has not in their language. The deadline for submitting an abstract of the presentation, up to 2 PDF pages, is in a month. Please consider submitting and attending! F# compiler, library and tools now open for community contributionF# is the first MS language to go open source. The F# team is now going further into the Open World to allow community contributions to the core language, library and tool set. This means the F# team will now take pull requests :) From a recent blog post on the topic: "Prior to today (April 3, 2014), contributions were not accepted to the core implementation of the F# language. From today, we are enabling the community to contribute to the F# language, library and tools, and to the Visual F# Tools themselves, while maintaining the integrity and unity of the F# language itself. In more detail: .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")
In a nutshell: OPEN SOURCE C# COMPILER. Putting aside possible practical implications of this for the .NET ecosystem, I think it is good for programming language geeks to be able to peruse the source code for compilers and language tools. For the debate about MS being evil, you can head directly to HN where you'll also find an explanation of what bootstrapping a compiler means. By Ehud Lamm at 2014-04-04 06:21 | Cross language runtimes | Implementation | 134 comments | other blogs | 29646 reads
Future of Programming workshopThe call for submissions is out. There will be two opportunities this first year to participate: at Strangeloop in September and at SPLASH in October. The call:
This is a good idea for the more edgy language designers to exhibit their work and receive useful critique to improve presentation, which ultimately helps with our goal of world domination (or at least, pushing the community to take more risks). Functional Geometry and the Traite Ì de LutherieFunctional Geometry and the Traite Ì de Lutherie by Harry Mairson, Brandeis University.
Study finds that when no financial interests are involved programmers choose DECENT languages
Brendan Eich, CEO of mozillaCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the first case of a language designer making it to the top slot of a company! Facebook Introduces ‘Hack,’ the Programming Language of the FutureFrom Wired, Facebook Introduces ‘Hack,’ the Programming Language of the Future
Hack is open source and is available at It supports type annotation, generics, lambdas and host of other features on top of PHP. The Essence of ReynoldsThe Essence of Reynolds by Stephen Brookes, Peter O'Hearn and Uday Reddy.
Corresponding presentation from POPL. By bashyal at 2014-03-11 14:47 | History | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 15476 reads
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