Extending Ruby with C

I've generally found that the APIs for bridging the gap between Perl and C are either cryptic (XS) or fragile (Inline::C). While Python is better in some ways, I still find its C API rather difficult to read. Tools such as SWIG can help alleviate this problem, but you still need to write a bunch of glue code to bridge the gap between the high-level agile languages and the low-level C code.

When I first looked at doing the same kind of thing for Ruby, a whole new world opened up. The APIs are simple, to the point where I was up and running in minutes rather than hours.

A nice tutorial article on extending Ruby by providing access to a C library (GenX).

It has been awhile since we discussed language extension mechanisms and multi-language programming, yet these techniques are quite important when building real life systems.

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The API of Extension Languages

The API of an extension language does not have to be dreadful. For a comparison and nice solution for Lua see this paper:

Norman Ramsey: Embedding an Interpreted Language Using Higher-Order Functions and Types. In ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators, pages 6-14, June 2003. Available from http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~nr/pubs/embed-abstract.html

C libraries can usually be accessed via dynamic linker

C libraries can usually be accessed via dynamic linker. Ruby dl library makes this very simple:

require 'dl'
require 'dl/import'

module Libc
  extend DL::Importable
  dlload "/lib/libc.so.6"
  extern "char* ttyname(int)"

puts Libc.ttyname(0)

Example run:

$ ruby dltest.rb

Accessing libraries through the file system

Along with cryptic and fragile, don't forget obscure. Here's an idea from the people making userspace device drivers in Linux:
"One particularly interesting application of FUSD that we've found very useful is as a way to let regular user-space libraries export device file APIs. For example, imagine you had a library which factored large composite numbers. Typically, it might have a C interface--say, a function called int *factorize(int bignum). With FUSD, it's possible to create a device file interface--say, a device called /dev/factorize to which clients can write(2) a big number, then read(2) back its factors.

This may sound strange, but device file APIs have at least three advantages over a typical library API. First, it becomes much more language independent--any language that can make system calls can access the factorization library. Second, the factorization code is running in a different address space; if it crashes, it won't crash or corrupt the caller. Third, and most interestingly, it is possible to use select(2) to wait for the factorization to complete. select(2) would make it easy for a client to factor a large number while remaining responsive to other events that might happen in the meantime. In other words, FUSD allows normal user-space libraries to integrate seamlessly with UNIX's existing, POSIX-standard event notification interface: select(2)."

He missed something important

Namely the Boost Python Library which makes the transition between C++ and Python seamless. You can write C++ that looks and acts just like Python code, if you want. SWIG and the Python C API are not required. Next, it's deep, but I have been meaning to post a link to Boost Python internals for some time.