ANN: YARD Parser

I just posted to the YARD parser which is a public-domain generic recursive-descent parser for C++ which is available for dwonload at, documentation is also available at The YARD parser is intended primarily to be used as lexical analyzer and syntax parser, but it is a very general purpose library. The release includes a partial XML grammar and parser. The YARD parser is intended as a simpler alternative to the boost::spirit library. Any questions or comments are welcome.

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i think it's great that recur

i think it's great that recursive descent parsers are appearing for c++ templates. it used to be that i'd say to people, "well, it's easy to throw a parser together... oh! you're using c++? ah, well, have you thought of switching to [insert modern functional language here]".
(maybe i was just uninformed before, but i've only noticed these recently).

Template Metaprogramming may be Ugly

I think that template metaprogramming techniques in C++ are only just beginning to be deeply understood. Gurtovoy and Abrahams have really helped move things along with the boost::mpl library.

Template metaprogramming in C++ may be ugly, but I have found it to be a very powerful functional language. I think the problem is that most C++ programmers aren't familiar with functional programming techniques.

I have made a big effort to improve on the limitations of metaprogramming in C++ in Heron.

Cart before the horse

I think that the C++ programmers who *are* familiar with functional programming are the guys who emphasized the value of template metaprogramming. However, metaprogramming in C++ is still much much more painful and verbose than in languages like Common Lisp.

To solve this in "syntactically complex" languages (unlike Common Lisp), I think that you have to put the set of non-terminals for your language's grammar in the set of fundamental types for your language.


To solve this in "syntactically complex" languages (unlike Common Lisp), I think that you have to put the set of non-terminals for your language's grammar in the set of fundamental types for your language.

In Dylan macro definitons, you can specify the kind of non-terminal (for example expression or variable) expected at a certain place in the macro source code. But I don't think that Dylan has a type "expression" or "variable" in the language, as they are parse-time entities.

Macros as methods

Just define the macros as syntax-object-dispatched (multi-)methods, and provide a hook to apply them to expressions, as we've done for Slate. It's less powerful than a full pattern-matching expansion system, but it integrates much better with the language.