Games for Logic and Programming Languages: Etaps'05

In the past decade game semantics has emerged as a new and successful paradigm in the field of semantics of logics and programming languages. Game semantics made its breakthrough in computer science in the early 90s, providing an innovative set of methods and techniques for the analysis of logical systems. Subsequently, game-semantic techniques led to the development of the first syntax-independent fully-abstract models for a variety of programming languages, ranging from the purely functional to languages with non-functional features such as control, references or concurrency. There are also emerging connections between game semantics and other semantic theories, notably theories of concurrency such as the pi-calculus, and traditional tree-based semantics of lambda calculi. In addition to semantic analysis, an algorithmic approach to game semantics has recently been developed, with a view to applications in computer assisted verification and program analysis.

The aim of the workshop is to provide opportunity for interaction with other Etaps'05 events and to become a major meeting point in the research area of Game Semantics and its applications.

In case you are in Edinburgh on April 2-3, here is the workshop program.

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Impatient to see the report

I was actually dissatisfied by CPS semantics and therefore googling for "game semantics pi calculus", when I stumbled upon this announcement. I only hope it is not a "continuation" of the Fool's Day jokes :-)