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Category TheoryApplied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of CompositionalityAn enjoyable 25-minute introductory talk: YOW! Lambda Jam 2019 - Ken Scambler - Applied Category Theory (slides)
Previously: Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory. (via Brian McKenna) By Manuel J. Simoni at 2019-08-05 14:08 | Category Theory | Paradigms | Spotlight | 11 comments | other blogs | 97237 reads
Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
2018 by Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak Category theory is becoming a central hub for all of pure mathematics. It is unmatched in its ability to organize and layer abstractions, to find commonalities between structures of all sorts, and to facilitate communication between different mathematical communities. But it has also been branching out into science, informatics, and industry. We believe that it has the potential to be a major cohesive force in the world, building rigorous bridges between disparate worlds, both theoretical and practical. The motto at MIT is mens et manus, Latin for mind and hand. We believe that category theory—and pure math in general—has stayed in the realm of mind for too long; it is ripe to be brought to hand.A very approachable but useful introduction to category theory. It avoids the Scylla and Charybdis of becoming incomprehensible after page 2 (as many academic texts do), and barely scratching the surface (as many popular texts do). By Andris Birkmanis at 2019-04-28 03:53 | Category Theory | Teaching & Learning | 2 comments | other blogs | 88798 reads
Comprehending Ringads
Comprehending Ringads
2016 by Jeremy Gibbons Ringad comprehensions represent a convenient notation for expressing database queries. The ringad structure alone does not provide a good explanation or an efficient implementation of relational joins; but by allowing heterogeneous comprehensions, involving both bag and indexed table ringads, we show how to accommodate these too.Indexed/parametric/graded monads are the key (read the paper to understand the pun). By Andris Birkmanis at 2018-05-05 02:59 | Category Theory | Semantics | Type Theory | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 37791 reads
Databases from finite categoriesSpivak and Kent (2011). Ologs: A categorical framework for knowledge representation:
Ologs are essentially RDFs extended to encompass commuting diagrams, so a visual little language. The paper talks about how database schema can automatically be extracted from ologs. By Charles Stewart at 2017-05-24 06:43 | Category Theory | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 25921 reads
Philip Wadler: Category Theory for the Working HackerNothing you don't already know, if you are inteo this sort of thing (and many if not most LtU-ers are), but a quick way to get the basic idea if you are not. Wadler has papers that explain Curry-Howard better, and the category theory content here is very basic -- but it's an easy listen that will give you the fundamental points if you still wonder what this category thing is all about. To make this a bit more fun for those already in the know: what is totally missing from the talk (understandable given time constraints) is why this should interest the "working hacker". So how about pointing out a few cool uses/ideas that discerning hackers will appreciate? Go for it! By Ehud Lamm at 2016-08-07 17:26 | Category Theory | Lambda Calculus | Semantics | 106 comments | other blogs | 57800 reads
Cakes, Custard, and Category TheoryEugenia Cheng's new popular coscience book is out, in the U.K. under the title Cakes, Custard and Category Theory: Easy recipes for understanding complex maths, and in the U.S. under the title How to Bake Pi: An Edible Exploration of the Mathematics of Mathematics:
Cheng, one of the Catsters, gives a guided tour of mathematical thinking and research activities, and through the core philosophy underlying category theory. This is the kind of book you can give to your grandma and grandpa so they can boast to their friends what her grandchildren are doing (and bake you a nice dessert when you come and visit :) ). A pleasant weekend reading. By Ohad Kammar at 2015-07-17 16:47 | Category Theory | Critiques | Fun | General | Semantics | Theory | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 11706 reads
Conservation laws for free!In this year's POPL, Bob Atkey made a splash by showing how to get from parametricity to conservation laws, via Noether's theorem:
By Ohad Kammar at 2014-10-28 07:52 | Category Theory | Fun | Functional | Lambda Calculus | Scientific Programming | Semantics | Theory | Type Theory | 5 comments | other blogs | 19566 reads
Seemingly impossible programsIn case this one went under the radar, at POPL'12, Martín Escardó gave a tutorial on seemingly impossible functional programs:
A shorter version (coded in Haskell) appears in Andrej Bauer's blog. By Ohad Kammar at 2014-10-22 09:57 | Category Theory | Fun | Functional | Paradigms | Semantics | Theory | 36 comments | other blogs | 20633 reads
Luca Cardelli FestschriftEarlier this week Microsoft Research Cambridge organised a Festschrift for Luca Cardelli. The preface from the book:
Hopefully the videos will be posted soon. By Ohad Kammar at 2014-09-12 10:10 | Category Theory | Lambda Calculus | Misc Books | Semantics | Theory | Type Theory | 4 comments | other blogs | 9626 reads
Dependently-Typed Metaprogramming (in Agda)Conor McBride gave an 8-lecture summer course on Dependently typed metaprogramming (in Agda) at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory:
The lecture notes, code, and video captures are available online. As with his previous course, the notes contain many(!) mind expanding exploratory exercises, some of which quite challenging. By Ohad Kammar at 2013-08-30 07:34 | Category Theory | Functional | Lambda Calculus | Meta-Programming | Paradigms | Semantics | Teaching & Learning | Theory | Type Theory | 5 comments | other blogs | 18457 reads
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