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FunctionalThe Verse Calculus: a Core Calculus for Functional Logic Programming
The Verse Calculus: a Core Calculus for Functional Logic Programming
Functional logic languages have a rich literature, but it is tricky to give them a satisfying semantics. In this
Latent Effects for Reusable Language ComponentsLatent Effects for Reusable Language Components, by Birthe van den Berg, Tom Schrijvers, Casper Bach Poulsen, Nicolas Wu:
Looks like a nice generalization of the basic approach taken by algebraic effects to more subtle contexts. Algebraic effects have been discussed here on LtU many times. I think this description from section 2.3 is a pretty good overview of their approach:
By naasking at 2021-10-14 14:02 | Effects | Functional | Theory | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 35304 reads
Selective FunctorsFrom Andrey Mokhov's twitter feed:
By Z-Bo at 2019-03-05 17:12 | Functional | Implementation | Meta-Programming | 1 comment | other blogs | 68545 reads
ICFP Programming Contest 2018Yep, it on! By Ehud Lamm at 2018-07-21 06:45 | Fun | Functional | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 47828 reads
Sequent Calculus as a Compiler Intermediate LanguageSequent Calculus as a Compiler Intermediate Language
By Andris Birkmanis at 2018-04-02 17:06 | Functional | General | Lambda Calculus | Semantics | Type Theory | 2 comments | other blogs | 45765 reads
Resource PolymorphismResource Polymorphism, by Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni:
An ambitious goal, and it would be an incredibly useful addition to OCaml. Might even displace Rust in some places, since you can theoretically avoid triggering the GC, but you have the excellent GC available when needed. This is definitely a pain point for Rust. By naasking at 2018-03-08 14:40 | Functional | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 45196 reads
How efficient is partial sharing?Partial sharing graphs offer a reduction model for the lambda calculus that is optimal in a sense put forward by Jean Jacques Levy. This model has seen interest wax and wane: initially it was thought to offer the most efficient possible technology for implementing the lambda calculus, but then an important result showed that bookkeeping overheads of any such model could be very high (Asperti & Mairson 1998). This result had a chilling effect on the initial wave of excitement over the technology. Now Stefano Guerrini, one of the early investigators of partial sharing graphs, has an article with Marco Solieri (Guerrini & Solieri 2017) arguing that the gains from optimality can be very high and that partial sharing graphs can be relatively close to the best possible efficiency, within a quadratic factor on a conservative analysis (this is relatively close in terms of elementary recursion). Will the argument and result lead to renewed interest in partial sharing graphs from implementors of functional programming? We'll see... (Asperti & Mairson 1998) Parallel beta reduction is not elementary recursive. (Guerrini & Solieri 2017) Is the Optimal Implementation inefficient? Elementarily not. Is Haskell the right language for teaching functional programming principles?No! (As Simon Thompson explains.) A unified approach to solving seven programming problemsA fun pearl by William E. Byrd, Michael Ballantyne, Gregory Rosenblatt, and Matthew Might from ICFP: seven programming challenges solved (easily!) using a relational interpreter. One challenge, for example, is to find quines. Another is to find programs that produce different results with lexical vs. dynamic scope. The interpreter is implemented in miniKanren (of course), inside Racket (of course). By Ehud Lamm at 2017-09-04 18:44 | Fun | Functional | Logic/Declarative | 4 comments | other blogs | 46097 reads
ICFP 2017 live streamingIf you are one of the few LtU-ers not presenting (just kidding...), you can get your functional programming fix by following the live stream from ICFP, starting tomorrow at 11:00 (UK). Want to know when to tune in? Check out the incredible program! |
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