
Description Logics in Literate Haskell

Experiments from Graham Klyne:

This file is my attempt to better understand the structure and uses
of Description Logic (DL) languages for knowledge reresentation and inference, with the ultimate aim of better understanding the capabilities and limitations of the Semantic Web ontology language OWL, whose design draws much from Description Logic languages.

See also rdfweb-dev post, "Haskell vs. Ada vs. C++ vs. Awk vs. ..., An Experiment in Software Prototyping Productivity" (PS format)

SAT 3 Proof with E Prover via OWL

An interesting little Semantic Web-related development reported by Jos De Roo (creator of the Java/C# Euler inference engine). He's got the E Prover (an equational theorem prover for clausal logic), to find a proof for the OWL (Web Ontology Language) test case "inconsistent502" (RDF, variations), which is a Description Logic encoding of one of the classic SAT 3 problems.


Progol isn't really a programming language, it's an Inductive Logic Programming system designed as an extension of Prolog.

A user manual and a technical paper are available.

Reading the paper requires some knowledge of machine learning. The user manual cum tutorial is much more accessible.

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