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OOPObject AlgebrasThe ECOOP 2012 best paper award this year was given to Bruno Oliveira and William Cook for the paper "Extensibility for the Masses: Practical Extensibility with Object Algebras". This paper is (yet another) solution to the expression problem. The basic idea is that you create a family of objects via an Abstract Factory. You can add new objects to the family by extending the factory as per usual, but the twist is you can also add new operations by overriding the factory methods to do other things, like evaluation or pretty printing. Bruno has also been collecting sample implementations using Object Algebras solving a simple expression problem example. What does focusing tell us about language design?A blog post about Call-By-Push-Value by Rob Simmons: What does focusing tell us about language design?
Previously on Rob's blog: Embracing and extending the Levy language; on LtU: Call by push-value, Levy: a Toy Call-by-Push-Value Language. And let me also repeat CBPV's slogan, which is one of the finest in PL advocacy: Once the fine structure has been exposed, why ignore it? By Manuel J. Simoni at 2012-03-05 15:17 | Functional | OOP | Paradigms | 24 comments | other blogs | 17755 reads
Informed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOPOngoing discussion that you can follow on William Cook's blog. I am not going to take sides (or keep points). I know everyone here has an opinion on the issue, and many of the arguments were discussed here over the years. I still think LtU-ers will want to follow this. Given the nature of the topic, I remind everyone to review our policies before posting here on the issue. Specification and Verification: The Spec# ExperienceMike Barnett, Manuel Fahndrich, K. Rustan M. Leino, Peter Muller, Wolfram Schulte, and Herman Venter, Specification and Verification: The Spec# Experience" Preprint of an article appearing in the June 2011 CACM. CACM tagline: Can a programming language really help programmers write better programs?
Spec# is, in some ways, quite similar to JML+ESC/Java2. But Spec# is a language rather than a set of annotations, which allows it to incorporate features such as a non-null type system and a very tight integration with the IDE. Spec# was previously mentioned on LtU back in 2005. By Allan McInnes at 2011-06-01 06:11 | Implementation | OOP | Software Engineering | 3 comments | other blogs | 14978 reads
Parametric Prediction of Heap Memory RequirementsParametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements, by Victor Braberman, Federico Fernandez, Diego Garbervetsky, Sergio Yovine:
We've briefly discussed analyses to predict heap usage here on LtU, but I can't seem to find them. Anyone with a reference handy, please post in the comments! First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promisesOleg just posted a new page, First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promises, related to new features in OCaml 3.12 (on LtU).
It includes a nice intro to first-class modules by Frisch and Garrigue: First-class modules and composable signatures in Objective Caml 3.12. OCaml definitely just got even more interesting. By Manuel J. Simoni at 2010-10-09 13:30 | Functional | OOP | Software Engineering | 1 comment | other blogs | 14120 reads
Objects to Unify Type Classes and GADTsObjects to Unify Type Classes and GADTs, by Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira and Martin Sulzmann:
A very interesting paper on generalizing and unifying type classes and GADTs. Classes are now first-class values, resulting in a language that resembles a traditional, albeit more elegant, object-oriented language, and which supports a form of first-class "lightweight modules". The language supports the traditional use of implicit type class dispatch, but also supports explicit dispatch, unlike Haskell. The authors suggest this could eliminate much of the duplication in the Haskell standard library of functions that take a type class or an explicit function, eg. insert/insertBy and sort/sortBy, although some syntactic sugar is needed to make this more concise. Classes are open to extension by default, although a class can also be explicitly specified as "sealed", in which case extension is forbidden and you can pattern match on the cases. Furthermore, GADTs can now also carry methods, thus introducing dispatch to algebraic types. This fusion does not itself solve the expression problem, though it does ease the burden through the first-class support of both types of extension. You can see the Scala influences here. I found this paper via the Haskell sub-reddit, which also links to a set of slides. The authors acknowledge Scala as an influence, and as future work, suggest extensions like type families and to support more module-like features, such as nesting and opaque types. By naasking at 2010-02-22 21:51 | Functional | Object-Functional | OOP | Theory | Type Theory | 19 comments | other blogs | 23773 reads
Joe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
Joe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java. Adrian Mettler, David Wagner, and Tyler Close. To appear at ISOC NDSS 2010.
We present Joe-E, a language designed to support the development of secure software systems. Joe-E is a subset of Java that makes it easier to architect and implement programs with strong security properties that can be checked during a security review. It enables programmers to apply the principle of least privilege to their programs; implement application-specific reference monitors that cannot be bypassed; introduce and use domain-specific security abstractions; safely execute and interact with untrusted code; and build secure, extensible systems. Joe-E demonstrates how it is possible to achieve the strong security properties of an object-capability language while retaining the features and feel of a mainstream object-oriented language... Section 5.2 discuss how Joe-E leverages Java static typing. Joe-E is implemented as a source-code verifier not a bytecode verifier. Section 6 of the paper explains this design choice. Joe-E was mentioned on LtU in the past and is available here. Super and Inner — Together at Last!
Super and Inner — Together at Last! by David S. Goldberg, Robert Bruce Findler, and Matthew Flatt, 2004.
In an object-oriented language, a derived class may declare a method with the same signature as a method in the base class. The meaning of the re-declaration depends on the language. Most commonly, the new declaration overrides the base declaration, perhaps completely replacing it, or perhaps using super to invoke the old implementation. Another possibility is that the base class always controls the method implementation, and the new declaration merely augments the method in the case that the base method calls inner. Each possibility has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we explain why programmers need both kinds of method redeclaration, and we present a language that integrates them. We also present a formal semantics for the new language, and we describe an implementation for MzScheme.To me, an interesting aspect was interleaving of overrides and augmentations of the same method. Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail CallsThe Fortress blog has a recent post, Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls, where Guy Steele argues for the necessity of proper tail call implementations without rehashing two of the classic arguments: state machines and the continuation passing style. It starts by mentioning William Cook's On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited:
The post also mentions other papers previously discussed on LtU: Automata as Macros, and A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection. By Leon P Smith at 2009-12-03 18:03 | Implementation | OOP | 67 comments | other blogs | 37726 reads
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